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National Disability Week in Namibia

Natalie Russmann

Inclusivity in Namibia

KAS Namibia-Angola together with the National Disability Council of Namibia (NDCN) on 05th and 06th March shared insights on the occasion of the National Disability Week which took place in the Oshana Region, Northern Namibia. The event was attended by key ministries, the National Disability Council of Namibia and other key stakeholders. All relevant national Organisations for People with Disabilities were present to exchange challenges and way forward. The event highlighted the importance of strategic partnerships, accountability, transparency and efficiency when developing and implementing sustainable and impactful programmes for persons with disabilities. KAS Namibia together with key stakeholders continue to collaborate to promote inclusivity and favorable regulatory frameworks for the sake of access to services, information and employment opportunities for People with Disabilities. 

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Natalie Russmann

Natalie Russman (2021)

Leiterin des Auslandsbüros Namibia & Angola

natalie.russmann@kas.de +264 61 225-568 +264 61 225-678


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