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Architects of the Future 2014

2nd Seminar

International Development Program for Young Political and Social Leaders or Thinkers Who Strive to Promote Common Good along with Positive Social Change Today

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We invite ambitious young leaders and thinkers from Central and Eastern Europe who care about socially concerned innovation to improve their expertise on important public issues and learn the practical tools of action.

If you are active in an academic or political organization; or you are involved in third sector initiatives, and you believe achieving public goals is important, you should apply for this program. You can be either a student or a young professional with a record of social and/or public activism. If you want to learn how to have stronger and positive impact on your community, fill in the application form and join us for two weekends of exceptional personal growth program in April and June.

Participants will work together with experienced trainers and experts to increase their analytical skills of understanding the world and its particular problems; and to incorporate creative methods of searching for innovative solutions to tackle social issues at hand.

Project website: www.aofe2014.org

Detailed schedule: Schedule

Application form: Clicke here

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Falk Altenberger

Falk Altenberger bild

współpraca z partnerami, projekty, dotacje, organizacja

Falk.Altenberger@kas.de +48 22 845-9333

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Biuro Fundacji Polska