Wydawca treści


Architects of the Future 2015

Second part

An intensive development program for young leaders and thinkers from Central and Eastern Europe who want to shape peaceful future for the Region.

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The seminar is for young people who are interested in socio-economic or political issues, history or international relations. During the seminar participants will be trained to mediate, negotiate, and mitigate conflicts in human relations. State-of-the art training methods will be used, as well as real case studies of recent political developments - like Ukrainian conflict.

The program is stretched over the scope of two weekends. Its structure is aimed to give the participants deep knowledge on conflict and its resolution, as well as to improve his/her skills in communication, negotiation and mediation in international environment.

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Falk Altenberger

Falk Altenberger bild

współpraca z partnerami, projekty, dotacje, organizacja

Falk.Altenberger@kas.de +48 22 845-9333

Wydawca treści

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Opublikowane przez

Biuro Fundacji Polska