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Has Germany Been Wrong?

European Economy and the Threat of a New Big Crisis

Seminarium połączone z prezentacją specjalnego wydania "Spraw Międzyanrodowych" (nr 2/2014) poświęconych strukturze procesów decyzyjnych w polityce zagranicznej Niemiec oraz roli Niemiec w UE w kontekście kryzsów strefy euro i gospodarki Europy.

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Seminarium odbędzie się w języku angielskim.


of the seminar and the presentation of the latest issue

of PISM quarterly Sprawy Międzynarodowe


Has Germany Been Wrong?

European Economy and the Threat of a New Big Crisis


Karl-Heinz Paqué

Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg

Ryszard Petru

President, Association of Polish Economists (TEP)

Sebastian Płóciennik

Head of EU programme, The Polish Institute of International Affairs


Henryk Szlajfer

Editor-in-chief, Sprawy Międzynarodowe


6 November 2014 (Thursday)

The Polish Institute of International Affairs

1A Warecka Street,

Conference room, 1st floor


The meeting will be held in English

Those wishing to attend are kindly requested to confirm by 5 November 2014

via online registration

In case of problems with online registration, please contact us at:

(22) 556 80 70/71 or winiarska@pism.pl

In recent years Germany has often been described as having the best economic model for coping with the economic and financial crisis. Indeed, it has been able to reduce unemployment, stabilise its public finances as well as preserve its export prowess. Berlin's approach has become a dominating element of eurozone policy in response to the crisis. However, Europe’s sluggish recovery has provoked rising doubts regarding the efficiency of the German recovery recipe, and the recent weakness of Germany’s own economy adds another striking angle to the debate.

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Warszawa, PISM


Dr Piotr Womela

Piotr Womela bild

koordynator projektów

Piotr.Womela@kas.de +48 22 845-9332

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Polnisches Institut für Internationale Angelegenheiten

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Biuro Fundacji Polska