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Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia: A Collective Approach from South and Southeast Asia

de Benedict Chang

Hybrid Launch of Research Publication

This hybrid publication launch presented the finding of the publication ‘Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia: A Collective Approach from South and Southeast Asia’.

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A hybrid book launch program on ‘Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia: A Collective Approach from South and Southeast Asia’ was organized by the Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks (COSATT) and Regional Project Energy Security and Climate Change-Asia Pacific (RECAP), Konrad Adenauer Stiftung on Oct. 8, 2021 in Kathmandu.


The paper authors from South and Southeast Asian nations virtually joined the event and presented their papers and research findings. The event brought over 40 national and international participants including disaster experts, former bureaucrats and ambassadors, government officials, representatives from the security and strategic community, researchers and media.


One of the primary objectives of the event was to share ideas, concepts and practices from the South and Southeast Asian regions that are relevant and beneficial to each other. Moreover, the publication titled ‘Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia: A Collective Approach from South and Southeast Asia’ comprising enriching papers from different countries would eventually contribute to knowledge production and information sharing. With this objective, the book launch and knowledge-sharing event was organized and chapter authors from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Thailand joined the event physically and virtually and gave insights about their paper.


The experts emphasized that the occurrence of natural disasters is inevitable but its impact can be prevented or mitigated. With the advancement in technology, humanity has developed the potential to minimize disaster risk, but conversely, it has increased the extent of hazards too. During the past few decades, industrialization, urbanization, population growth, unequal distribution of natural resources, and hunger for rapid economic growth have led to the heavy deterioration of the natural environment. As a result, the likelihood of natural disasters has increased, as has the potential risk. Global drivers such as socioeconomic disparity and climate change are likely to exacerbate the burden on Disaster Risk Management in such circumstances. The safety of any region from any possible disaster event relies mostly upon the preparedness of the people living within the exposed region. Hence, for any nation, it is essential to possess a strong Disaster Risk Management System and close coordination with regional and global institutions to overcome any anticipated disaster events.


The publication can be found in:

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Dr. Christian Hübner

Dr +51 1 320 2870


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