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Sustainable Finance

How to trigger investments

Developments like the climate or the demographic change keep on challeng-ing political decision-makers, the econ-omy and citizens in their everyday work.

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In order to tackle these threats and to try finding long-term solutions in this regard, the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Association of German Banks (BdB) jointly organized a breakfast event on the topic of “Sustainable Fi-nance – How to trigger Investments”.

Within the framework of the Finance Forum, a series of events on social market economy and financial markets, the speakers Sirpa Pietikäinen (MEP, EPP), Timothy Bishop (OECD) and Niall Bohan (European Commission, DG FIS-MA) discussed together with the audi-ence the a possible proceeding, the conditions and the challenges of green finance, which is one of the most cur-rent and most discussed topics in the financial sector.

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A Fundação Konrad Adenauer, os seus órgãos e centros de formação e os seus escritórios no estrangeiro sugerem anualmente vários milhares de eventos sobre temas sempre diferentes. Em, informamos, de uma forma sempre actual e em exclusivo, sobre determinadas conferências, eventos, simpósios, etc.. É aqui que também encontrará materiais adicionais, como imagens, manuscritos de palestras, vídeos ou trechos áudio gravados, para além de um resumo dos conteúdos.

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