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Contribuições aos eventos

COP in MyCity

de Maria Fernanda Pineda


Between November 19 and 29, 5 simulation workshops were held in negotiations on climate change in the cities of Lima and Cusco.

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COP in MyCity is a youth-led project which ambitions to bridge the gap between climate negotiations (a.k.a. the COPs: Conferences Of the Parties) and youth in order to inspire local climate actions in all cities of the world.

In Peru this year, five workshops were held between Lima and Cusco in the following institutions: Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Universidad Andina del Cusco, Universidad Científica del Sur and Peruavian British Institute.

In all, more than 150 young people, led by Bitia Chávez, Miriam Somocurcio and other climate leaders, were given a talk on climate change awareness and participated in a negotiation process similar to that given at COPs of the UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. At the end of each workshop, the participants were very interested in the formation of new spaces and groups to raise awareness about this issue in their own institutions.

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Pessoa de contato

Maria Fernanda Pineda

Maria Fernanda Pineda

Coordenadora de Projetos +51 1 320 2870


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