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Handbook on EVFTA to be released

The EVFTA handbook, the result of a seminar series held by the Foreign Trade University (FTU) under the sponsorship of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, holds up important aspects of the free trade agreement between the European Union and Vietnam (EVFTA).

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The EVFTA is of a far more complex nature than any existing trade agreement. It does not only involve tax reductions and more advantageous business conditions, it also focuses on product quality. The European Union pays great attention to accurate details concerning product origins, compliance of patent rights and competition regulations. Further, the European Union wants to see the sustainability principle and leading environmental standards fulfilled. Those prerequisites are the key to successful trading with the EU. As for almost all developing countries, fulfilling these requirements is no easy task for Vietnam.

By supporting this publication, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hopes that the Vietnamese business community will be adequately informed about the opportunities and be fully aware of challenges that the EVFTA certainly brings about.

To anyone who wishes to learn about EVFTA this handbook comes highly recommended as it is prepared by thoughtful economic researchers.

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