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KAS Analysis: Vietnam as an Up-and-Coming Actor in South-East Asia

Vietnam’s economic growth, its geo-strategically important location on the South China Sea and its multilateral trading within international and regional organisations have contributed to the country’s success in developing into a significant actor in the region. Though the poor human rights situation remains, the condition of the rule of law needs to be improved the country’s political efforts to become a respected member of the international community are bearing fruit.

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Fundaţia Konrad-Adenauer este reprezentată în circa 70 de ţări pe cinci continente, prin birouri proprii. Angajaţii din străinătate, pot transmite rapoarte de la faţa locului cu privire la evenimentele actuale şi evoluţiile pe termen lung în ţările în care activează. În "Rapoarte de țară", aceştia oferă utilizatorilor paginii web a fundaţiei Konrad-Adenauer analize, informaţii de fond şi estimări.

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Vietnam Vietnam

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