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Parliamentary Elections in Lebanon

A long way to a new parliament

The long awaited parliamentary elections in Lebanon will take place in the upcoming months of 2017.The legislative period of the last parliament, elected in 2009, has already passed its regulatory mandate of four years in 2013. Yet, in consideration of the current events in the region and the resulting safety issues, the parliament independently extended its legislative period two times in 2013 and 2014 through a formal juridical revision. The official end of the parliamentary mandate is set for the 20th of June 2017.

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The long awaited parliamentary elections in Lebanon will take place in the upcoming months of 2017.

The legislative period of the last parliament, elected in 2009, has already passed its regulatory mandate of four years in 2013. Yet, in consideration of the current events in the region and the resulting safety issues, the parliament independently extended its legislative period two times in 2013 and 2014 through a formal juridical revision. The official end of the parliamentary mandate is set for the 20th of June 2017. With respect to the Ramadan month, the elections have been set for May 2017.

However, Lebanon’s path to new parliamentary elections is marked by many multidimensional difficulties.

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Lebanon Lebanon

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