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Rapoarte de țară

Tanzania's Economic Diplomacy: Balancing EU, China, and EAC Relations.

Voices from Tanzania

With one of the highest birth rates in the world, ranked 10th richest country in Africa by overall GDP in 20231 , one of the most stable and peaceful countries in its region, and with a recent change of status to a middle-income country, the Republic of Tanzania has seen a rapid growth (3rd fastest growing economy in Africa, behind Ivory coast and Rwanda)2. Studying the success and evolution of countries with global potential and impact provides insightful information about how a developing country manages its international relations. As a result, an expanded perspective on the dynamics of economic involvement and strategic decision-making in a complex and interconnected world can be gained through comprehending Tanzania's diplomatic strategy.

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persoane de contact

Tilmann Feltes

Tilmann Feltes Portrait

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Tansania

tilmann.feltes@kas.de +255 22 2153174


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