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Contributii la manifestari

Youth and MPs

The UNDP Thailand, the Secretariat of the House of Representatives and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Thailand organised the event "Youth and MPs for SDGs"

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The United Nations Develpment Programme (UNDP) signed Memoranda of Understandings (MOUs) with both the Secretariat of the House of Representatives and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Thailand. The main objective is to enhance awareness and capacities of parliamentarians and parliamentary staff to play a significant role in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Thailand and achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Programme invited youth from four regions of Thailand to present SDGs related issues using a human-centered design and help them identify solutions to work with the Thai Parliament to address these issues with a view to achieve sustainable development in Thailand, including ensuring no one is left behind. Youth representatives used the content of the sub-national hearing reports produced during the Democratic Youth Programme.

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Thailand Office

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Fundaţia Konrad-Adenauer, atelierele sale de formare, centrele de formare şi birourile din străinătate oferă anual mai multe mii de manifestări pe diverse teme. Conferinţele, evenimentele, simpozioanele etc. sunt prezentate pentru Dvs. într-o manieră actuală şi exclusivă pe adresa www.kas.de. Pe lângă rezumatele manifestărilor, aici puteţi găsi materiale suplimentare cum ar fi fotografii, manuscrise ale discursurilor, înregistrări video sau audio.

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