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Studia Politica 01/06

Romanian Political Science Review

„Studia Politica“ ist eine politikwissenschaftliche Buchreihe, die vierteljährlich vom Institut für politische Forschung der Universität Bukarest mit Unterstützung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung herausgegeben wird. Der Fokus dieser Reihe liegt vor allem auf klassischen Themen wie Demokratie, Pluralismus, Freiheit und Bürgerrechte. Die Autoren setzen sich dabei kritisch mit etablierten Forschungstraditionen auseinander und treten für einen stärkeren Einbezug kommunistischer und postkommunistischer Probleme in die Politikwissenschaft ein. Darüber hinaus wir in Rezensionen ein Überblick über den aktuellen Forschungsstand gegeben.

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Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review

vol. VI, no. 1, 2006



RONALD HATTO, Les interventions militaires après la guerre froide: humanitarisme ou néocolonialisme?, pp. 9-22


ALEXANDRA IONESCU, La dernière révolution léniniste. Pensée et pratique d’une autorité révolutionnaire en Roumanie, 25-114

ALEXANDRU GUSSI, Décembre 1989. Prémisses du débat sur le passé récent en Roumanie, pp.115-134

LAVINIA STAN, Lustration in Romania: The Story of a Failure, pp. 135-156

IOAN STANOMIR, După 1989. Câteva reflecţii asupra constituţionalismului românesc postcomunist, pp. 157-170


RALUCA ALEXANDRESCU, Cronologia vieţii politice din România, 1 octombrie – 31 decembrie 2005, pp.173-196


SORIN MITU, Transilvania mea. Istorii, mentalităţi, identităţi, Editura Polirom, col. „Historia“, Iaşi, 2006 (ALEXANDRA PETRESCU), pp.199-204

VICTOR KARADY, LUCIAN NASTASĂ, The University of Kolozsvár/Cluj and the Students of the Medical Faculty (1872-1918), Budapesta/Cluj, CEU Press/Centrul de Resurse pentru Diversitate Etnoculturală, 2004 ( DRAGOŞ DRAGOMAN), pp. 204-210

ZOLTÁN TIBORI SZABÓ, Frontiera dintre viaţă şi moarte. Refugiul şi salvarea evreilor la graniţa româno-maghiară (1940-1944), trad. de Florica Perian, Editura Compania, Bucureşti, 2005 (ALEXANDRA PETRESCU), pp. 210-214

MONICA ROBOTIN, LEVENTE SALAT (edit.), A New Balance: Democracy and Minorities in Post-Communist Europe, Centrul de Resurse pentru Diversitate Etnoculturală, Cluj, 2004 ( DRAGOŞ DRAGOMAN), pp. 214-220

MARC MAYER, Les laïcités en francophonie, Éditions Labor, coll. «Quartier Libre», Bruxelles, 2005 (ALEXANDRA PETRESCU), pp. 220-223

SERGIU MIŞCOIU, Le Front National et ses répercussions sur l’échiquier politique français, 1972-2002, Editura Efes, Cluj-Napoca, 2005 (RUXANDRA IVAN), pp. 224-226

ÉLIANE GUBIN, CATHERINE JACQUES, FLORENCE ROCHEFORT, BRIGITTE STUDER, FRANÇOISE THÉBAUD, MICHELLE ZANCARINI-FOURNEL (sous la direction de), Le Siècle des féminismes, préface de MICHELLE PERROT, Les Éditions de l’Atelier/Éditions Ouvrières, Paris, 2004 (ALEXANDRA PETRESCU), pp. 226-236

MARIA LAURA LANZILLO, Il multiculturalismo, Editori Laterza, Biblioteca Essenziale, serie Politica, Roma-Bari, 2005 (ALEXANDRA PETRESCU), pp. 236-240

Caiete de Antropologie Istorică, An IV, nr. 1 (7), ianuarie-iunie 2005 (SERGIU MIŞCOIU), pp. 241-242


RONALD HATTO, Les interventions militaires après la guerre froide: humanitarisme ou néocolonialisme? (Military Interventions After the Cold War: Humanitarianism or Neo-colonialism).

The aim of this article is to examine the similarities and differences between the use of force after 1990 and colonial police operations of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Our goal is to analyze and compare three aspects of these armed operations: the underlying ideologies, the aims and goals, and the means and methods. The article tends to demonstrate that today we assist to ”the return of history”, the pre-Cold War history, rather than to the ”end of history”. Despite some obvious differences between the two types of interventions, the article states that there are more similarities than divergences between these operations and that we are witnessing the emergence of a form of neocolonialism based on the liberal ideology.

ALEXANDRA IONESCU, La dernière révolution leniniste. Pensée et pratique d’une autorité révolutionnaire en Roumanie (The Last Leninist Revolution. Theory and Praxis of A Revolutionary Authority in Romania).

Has the Romanian Revolution of 1989 produced a renewed vision of post-communist political authority? Can the fall of Romanian communism in December 1989 be seen as the end of a political venture that informed the political institutions and the exercise of political power for several decades? What was rejected and what remained from the Romanian communism as a political system after the Revolution of 1989? In order to answer those questions, the study explores the ways the newly emerging and established political actors right after the demise of the Romanian Communist Party thought of themselves as ”revolutionaries”, envisaged the political change, its imperatives and its emergences and acted as political authorities in charge of this political transformation.

ALEXANDRU GUSSI, Décembre 1989. Prémisses du débat sur le passé récent en Roumanie (December 1989: The Relationship of the New Leaders to the Communist Past- debating on Romania’s Recent History).

In Romania, the relationship with the communist past is strongly linked with two disappearances: that of the former dictator and that of the former unique party. Interestingly, the set-up of these disappearances is quite different. One is public and radical, while the other is silent and problematic, as if the striking clarity of the first puts into the shade the resorts and history of the second. After any radical political change, there is inevitably a form of ”recollection of memories” (Paul Connerton, How Societies Remember, 1989), a process through which the past is reevaluated in the light of values privileged by the new political regime. One of the questions to be answered is how do the first post-communist leaders confront Romania’s tragic past? This paper analyzes the premisses of the political debate on communism in the discourse of CFSN (Council of the National Salvation Front) and FSN (National Salvation Front). The paper also tries to expose the intimate mechanisms through which FSN took over the heritage of PCR (Romanian Communist Party), making use of a discourse that promises change, only to limit it afterwards.

LAVINIA STAN, Lustration in Romania: The Story of a Failure.

Since 1989, lustration has figured prominently among the methods post-communist Eastern Europe used to deal with its recent past. While to date the literature has recognized that countries like the former Czechoslovakia, Germany, Albania and, more recently, Poland, have screened electoral candidates and/or members of the judiciary, the army and the police forces, in order to remove officials with a tainted past from post-communist politics, Romania has been dismissed as a country which consistently rejected lustration. However, calls for the removal of communist officials and secret political police agents were voiced soon after the Revolution of December 1989, and the measures they called for were more comprehensive both in terms of the social categories subjected to and the time period of the ban. This article is the first in-depth analysis to examine the lustration demands included in the Timişoara Declaration, explain the reasons why they received a cold shoulder from formations spanning the entire political spectrum, and map the negotiations between political parties and the civil society for the renewal of the political class. Romania missed the window of opportunity to legislate lustration because of such factors as its bloody exit from communism, the inability of the pro-democratic opposition to wrestle power from the successor of the Communist Party, and its predominantly subject political culture.

IOAN STANOMIR, După 1989. Câteva reflecţii asupra constituţionalismului românesc postcomunist (After 1989. Some Thoughts on the Romanian Constitutionalism).

The aim of this paper is to provide the reader with an insight analysis of the postcommunist romanian constitutionalism. In order to achieve this objective, it is concerned with the way in which the constitutional framerwork has been build. Another topic of the paper is an attempt to clarify the political nature of the constituonal regime, starting from the very institution of the presidency.

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