

Call for Book Proposals

Publication on the “Understanding of Central and Eastern Europe and unveiling the geopolitical landscape from an Indian academic point of view”

The India Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for a publication on the hitherto under-explored topic of "Understanding Central and Eastern Europe and unveiling the geopolitical landscape from an Indian academic point of view."



Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has not only dramatically reshaped the post-Cold War European security order but has also re-written the historic entanglements between the countries of Central Europe and Eastern Europe (CEE). The viewpoints and history of the countries of the former Sowiet Union or so to say those between Moscow and Berlin are often overlooked or under-represented in India’s domestic discourse. Hence, the publication would serve to shed light on their geopolitical significance, exploring the evolving dynamics in the region as well as their cultural senstivities in view of their long-standing struggle with their location between two big European powers. Poland for example made the historic experience to beeing divided by Germans and Russians four times only since 1772. Furthermore even the Russian government is refering to these historical experience Poles made with Katharina II or Josef Stalin. After Germany ended being a threat since 1945, the war in Ukraine brought back old memories in CEE countries. Central Europe and Eastern Europe is since centuries an area of colonial wars. These are stories of colonial experience under-researched in India till now. The publication-related research would also provide an opportune moment to examine the deeper-rooted legacies of colonialism and could help address vital questions such as: “From where do the current fears of Moscows colonialism come from?” or  “What are the historic divides between Russia and Ukraine? Russians and Latvians? Russians and Poles?” or why NATO the so called “expansion” of NATO is seen as an anti-colonial alliancement by the CCE NATO members?



Ashish Gupta

Ashish Gupta

Leiter der Programme

ashish.gupta@kas.de +91 11 24113520 /
+91 11 45506834
+91 11 45506836

Simran Dhingra

Simran Dhingra

Leiterin der Abteilung Internationale Zusammenarbeit

simran.dhingra@kas.de +91 11 24113520 /
+91 11 45506834
+91 11 45506836


