
Страновой отчет

Local Governance

KAS in collaboration with GUTA organized a seminar in Local Governance in Tuobodom and Wenchi in the Brong Ahafo region



The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in collaboration with the Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) organized a workshop themed “Traders and Local Governance” in Tuobodom and Wenchi both in the Brong Ahafo Region. The workshop was aimed at building the capacity of civil society organizations; in this case traders associations who are members of GUTA to enable them appreciate the central role they have to play in the local level governance process in order to promote and enhance quality service delivery by the various local level actors especially the District Assemblies (DAs). Participants included various civil society groups like farmers and trader groups; artisans including tailors, dressmakers’ carpenters, hairdressers, technicians; representatives from the Traditional Authority, the media, district assembly officials, assembly members and students.

Presentations by the resource persons included:

•The Importance of Decentralization of Local Administration in Ghana

•District Assemblies and the Free Participation of Local People in Decision Making

•How to Improve Traders Active Involvement in Local Governance





Auslandsbüro Ghana


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