Специализированная конференция
"Alle Wege führen zu Chrome, nicht nach Rom", sagte ein EU-Richter in einem kleinen Scherz über Google, als er nach dem Geschäftsmodell zur Gewinnung von Suchanfragen fragte. Große Online-Plattformen, oder „Gatekeeper“ wie wir sie nennen, spielen eine zentrale Rolle in der Gesellschaft und der Demokratie im Allgemeinen. Die Größe der Gatekeeper im Binnenmarkt hat weiter zugenommen, die wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeit der Unternehmen und Bürger von den hauptsächlich außereuropäischen Plattformdiensten hat sich weiter verstärkt. Gatekeeper sollten jedoch nicht darüber entscheiden, wer erfolgreich sein soll, und neue Instrumente sollten den Menschen die Kontrolle über ihre persönlichen Daten geben.
Mit dem Digital Makets Act, dem Data Governance Act und dem Data Act gestaltet die EU unseren digitalen Raum für die nächsten Jahrzehnte. Wird es damit gelingen die Macht der Gatekeeper zu begrenzen oder eine europäische Antwort zu liefern? Der European Data Summit wird sich mit den politischen Optionen befassen, die derzeit auf dem Tisch liegen: Von Plattformregulierung bis hin zur Gestaltung von Datenmittlern, von der Nutzung von Daten durch Regierungsbehörden bis hin zu den „blind spots“ der DSGVO – die dreitägige Veranstaltung wird sich mit der Frage befassen, wie die digitale Demokratie in Europa wiederherzustellen ist.
Die Liste der Redner schließt ein: Johnny Ryan, Irish Council for Civil Liberties; Francesca Bria, National Innovation Fund, Italy; Audrey Tang, Digital Minister, Taiwan; Amélie de Montchalin, Minister of Public Sector Transformation and Civil Service, France; Axel Voss, MEP European Parliament, EPP Group; Francesco Bonfiglio Gaia-X Association; Andreas Schwab, MEP European Parliament, EPP; Ronja Kemmer, MP German Bundestag, CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group; Tommaso Valletti, Imperial College, London
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Day I - 2021-12-01 - 05:00 pm - 10:00 pm
04.30 pm: Registration, Coffee & Croissants
05.00 - 05.20 pm: Welcome
Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert
Opening Keynote
Ensuring fairness in the allocation of economic value among actors of the data economy
Roberto Viola (tbc)
General Director, DG Connect, European Commission
The Compromise on the Digital Markets Act - Live from Brussels
Andreas Schwab, MEP
European Parliament, EPP Group, Rapporteur for the proposed Digital Markets Act
05.20 pm – 05.35 pm: Keynote
The world’s leading “regulatory superpower” and its digital sovereignty
Johnny Ryan
Irish Council for Civil Liberties
05.35 pm–06.30 pm: Session I
Defending the data sovereignty of the European Citizens
Ann Cathrin Riedel
Marco Alexander-Breit
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
06.30 pm - 06.45 pm: Story Telling
#GoogleHearing at EU court
Lewis Crofts
MLex, Brussels
06.45 pm: Break
06.45 pm – 07.00 pm: Keynote
“An Offer We Can’t Refuse”: How We Gave Away Our Data and Made Big Tech What It Is Today
Tommaso Valletti
Imperial College, London
07.00pm – 08.00 pm: Session II
Thorsten Käseberg
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
Tommaso Valletti
Imperial College, London
Oliver Bethell
Cristina Caffarra
Charles Rivers Associates, London
08.15 pm – 09.15 pm: Study Presentation
Designing Data Trusts – a purpose-based approach
Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider
University of Bonn
Wolfgang Kerber
University of Marburg
Nils Börnsen
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
Ronja Kemmer, MP
German Bundestag, CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group
Pencho Kuzev, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Leonard Mack, Fraunhofer Fokus
09.15 pm: Reception
Day II - 2021-12-02 - 08:40 am - 05:00 pm
08.40 am: Welcome Address & Keynote
The blind spots of the GDPR: time for reform and repair
Winfried Veil
Dataprotection Landscape
09.00 am – 10.00 am: Session I
Implementing and complementing it or fixing it: The GDPR – The law of unintended consequences
Karolina Mojzesowicz
European Commission
Eline Chivot
EPP Group, Senior Advisor
Elisabeth Stafford
UK Government, Head of EU Data Flows
Winfried Veil
Dataprotection Landscape
Christian Wiese Svanberg
Danish Government, former Chair of the EU Working Group on the GDPR
10.00 am – 10.30 am: Keynote
Digital Social Innovation
Audrey Tang
Digital Minister, Taiwan
10.30 am – 10.45 am: Break
10.45 am – 12.00 pm: Session II
DGA - Access to public data: a comprehensive, coherent and systematic framework?/Data Intermediaries
Martin Semberger
Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, Austria
Damian Boeselager MEP
European Parliament, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
Malte Beyer-Katzenberger
European Commission, DG Connect
Andreas Hartl
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy
12.00 pm – 01.00 pm: Session III
Open Data and the Public Administration/ - The Use of Data by Governmental Agencies
Amélie de Montchalin
Minister of Public Sector Transformation and Civil Service, France
Markus Richter
State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community / Federal CIO, Germany
01.00 pm – 01.45 pm: Lunch
01.45 pm – 02.15 pm: Keynote & Discussion
Gary Davis (tbc)
Apple, Director, Privacy & Law
02.15 pm - 03.00 pm: Keynote & Discussion
The biggest data breach in history: Real-Time Bidding / Monitoring the GDPR application
Johnny Ryan
Irish Council for Civil Liberties
Karolina Mojzesowicz
European Commission
03.00 pm – 04.00 pm: Session IV
From strategy to execution – Data Sharing in Europe
Oliver Ganser
Catema – X / BMW
Anna Ludin
European Commission
Mariane ter Veen
INNOPAY, Amsterdam
Aline Blankertz
SINE Foundation
Ronny Khan
The Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
04.00 pm – 05.05 pm: Session V
Data usage during the pandemic
Stefaan Verhulst
Simon Chignard
Open Data, France
André Golliez
Swiss Data Aliance
Walter Palmetshofer
Open Knowledge Foundation, Germany
Pencho Kuzev, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Oliver Voss, Tagesspiegel “Background Digitalisierung”
Katryna Dow, MEECO
Day III - 2021-12-03 - 09:00 am - 03:30 pm
09.00 am: Welcome
Jörg Wojahn
Head of Representation, European Commission
09.00 am – 09.45 am: Keynote
Ensuring fairness in the allocation of economic value among actors of the data economy
Roberto Viola
General Director, DG Connect, European Commission
A manifesto for Europe’s digital sovereignty and geo-political competitiveness
Axel Voss MEP
European Parliament, EPP Group
Giving people control of their personal data
Francesca Bria
President, Innovation Fund, Italy
09.45 am – 10.30 am: Session I
Should Gatekeepers Be Allowed to Combine Data?
Cristina Caffarra
Charles Rivers Associates, London
Michael Koenig
European Commission, DG Connect
Michal Gal
Haifa University, Israel
10.30 am – 10.45 am: Break
10.45 am – 11.45 am: Session II
Use of the Privately Held Data by the Public Secto
Simon Chignard
RUDI Project, France
Szymon Lewandowski
European Commission, DG Connect
Stefaan Verhulst
Jakob Greiner
Deutsche Telekom AG
Carla Dietmair
Humboldt University, Berlin
11.45 am – 12.00 pm: B2G data sharing & Smart Cities - Use of the Privately Held Data by Cities
Marion Glatron
Rennes Metropole, France
12.30 pm – 01.15 pm: Lunch
01.15 pm – 02.00 pm: Session III
Data access and use in business-to-business situations
Jörg Hoffmann
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Christian Reimsbach-Kounatze
Michael Dose
BDI – Federation of German Industry
02.00 pm – 02.15 pm: Keynote
Francesco Bonfiglio
CEO, Gaia-X Association
02.15 pm - 03.15 pm: Session IV
Establishing more competitive markets for cloud computing services
Marco Alexander-Breit
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
Francesco Bonfiglio
Gaia-X Association
Witte Wijsmuller
European Commission, DG Connect
Lucas Buthion
Scaleway, France
Rebekka Weiß
Pencho Kuzev, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Begoña Gonzalez Otero, Max Planck Institute for Innovation
and Competition
03.00 pm – 04.30 pm: Cocktail Reception
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