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Správy a analýzy

Local Elections 2011


In 2011, the ANC retained its dominant position and ended with a large majority of municipalities under its rule. However, these elections marked a progression for the DA and other smaller parties.It is worth noting that 2011 elections also meant that the South African democracy is growing stronger notably because it showed that an international trend where elections and particularly, local government elections progressively produce lower voter turnouts is inapplicable to the young democracy.

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Please open the attached PDF document to know more about the 2011 Local Elections.

Written by Pierre-Olivier Teissier-Clement, Research Assistant South Africa

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Zverejňovač príspevkov

O edícii

Nadácia Konrada Adenauera je zastúpená vlastnými kanceláriami v približne 70 krajinách na 5 kontinentoch. Zahraniční spolupracovníci môžu priamo na mieste informovať z prvej ruky o aktuálnych udalostiach a dlhodobom rozvoji v danej krajine. V „správach k príslušnej krajiny“ ponúkajú užívateľom webovej stránky Nadácie Konrada Adenauera exkluzívne analýzy, informácie z pozadia a odhady.



Republic of South Africa Republic of South Africa

Zverejňovač príspevkov