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Global Media Forum 2024

KAS Media Africa once again took part in the largest international media conference in Germany

At this year's Global Media Forum in Bonn, we organised a panel discussion on the topic of "Journalism is not activism" together with our two other KAS Media Programmes.

Zverejňovač príspevkov


Once again this year, the three Media Programmes of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung took part in the two-day Global Media Forum in Bonn with their own panel. This time the topic was "Journalism is not activism". Our panellists were: Nwabisa Makunga from South Africa, Cristina Cileacu from Rumania and Cape Diamond from Myanmar. All three reported on their experiences in this field under the moderation of Christoph Plate, Director of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe.


The Global Media Forum, organised by Deutsche Welle, brings together more than a thousand journalists from all over the world every year. It is the largest international media conference in Germany.

Zverejňovač príspevkov

kontaktná osoba

Mwange Muganza

Mwange Muganza


mwange.muganza@kas.de +27 (11) 214 2900 +27 (11) 214 2913


Zverejňovač príspevkov

O tejto sérii

Nadácia Konrada Adenauera, jej vzdelávacie inštitúcie, vzdelávacie centrá a zahraničné kancelárie ponúkajú ročne niekoľko tisíc podujatí k rôznym témam. O vybraných konferenciách, podujatiach, sympóziách, atď. Vám prinášame aktuálne a exkluzívne informácie na www.kas.de. Tu nájdete popri obsahovom zhrnutí aj doplnkový materiál, ako obrázky, originály prejavov, videá alebo audiozáznamy.