Experts from 12 countries – including Ethiopia, South Africa, Germany, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Mauritius, Botswana, Kenya, Zambia, Ghana, Liberia and Togo – participated in this three-day conference aimed to strengthen local journalism as a pillar of democracy. From analysing access to information during elections to recognizing outstanding local journalism, the conversations that resulted have been thought-provoking, solution-driven, and a call to action for stronger, independent media in Africa.
Among the participants were also the winners of this year's KAS Media Award for Local Journalists. The three exceptional winners - Philip Teye Agbove from Ghana, Tina Mehnpaine from Liberia, and Edouard Samboe from Togo - selected by our esteemed jury, had the chance to present their stories and engage with experts from across Africa and Europe in our International Roundtable conference.
We are really grateful for our incredible participants for making this roundtable a success with their insights and dedication to media freedom.
O tejto sérii
Nadácia Konrada Adenauera, jej vzdelávacie inštitúcie, vzdelávacie centrá a zahraničné kancelárie ponúkajú ročne niekoľko tisíc podujatí k rôznym témam. O vybraných konferenciách, podujatiach, sympóziách, atď. Vám prinášame aktuálne a exkluzívne informácie na Tu nájdete popri obsahovom zhrnutí aj doplnkový materiál, ako obrázky, originály prejavov, videá alebo audiozáznamy.