Cover: Hosts Thomas Knirsch, Castro Neves and Ana Paula Zacarias.
Report in english
VIII International Security Con-ference of Forte de Copacabana
On November 3rd and 4th the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) hosted to-gether with its partner, the Brazilian Centre for International Relations (CEBRI) and with the support of the European Un-ion the VIII International Security Con-ference, Forte de Copacabana. The gather-ing took place in the Marriott Hotel, Copacabana, and united numerous speakers from both sides of the Atlantic discussing “New Issues on the International Security Agenda”. The event was open to the public and was covered by the media, local as well as national...
Auslandsbüro Brasilien
O tejto sérii
Nadácia Konrada Adenauera, jej vzdelávacie inštitúcie, vzdelávacie centrá a zahraničné kancelárie ponúkajú ročne niekoľko tisíc podujatí k rôznym témam. O vybraných konferenciách, podujatiach, sympóziách, atď. Vám prinášame aktuálne a exkluzívne informácie na Tu nájdete popri obsahovom zhrnutí aj doplnkový materiál, ako obrázky, originály prejavov, videá alebo audiozáznamy.