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First Training of MENA Leadership Academy V

Startups and Economic Models in the Mediterranean Region

Launch of the 5th cohort of the MENA Leadership Academy program with the first training held in Istanbul from 30 September to 4 October 2024

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On the 1st of October, KAS PoldiMed had the pleasure to kick start the 5th cohort of the MENA Leadership Academy program (MENA LA V) with the first training held in Istanbul from 30 September to 4 October focusing on startups and economic models in the Mediterranean region. This edition targets young entrepreneurs, business students and professionals, and technology enthusiasts. The 5th generation of MENA LA V comes from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Türkiye, representing diverse academic and professional backgrounds.

The program agenda was intensive yet rich with vital and lively discussions, lectures, and field visits spanning topics ranging from macroeconomics, market strategy, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, resource mobilization, to building a social business, and marketing, among other crucial concepts like the Green Transition. Several field visits to technology companies and inter-governmental institutions were also planned which added a special dimension to the program.

The lectures and workshops featured a distinguished group of experts such as Dr. Sevcan Yeşiltaş, Assistant Professor at Koç University and Economist at Ethos Economics and Consulting, Mr. Emre Karter, CEO and Board Member of Citi Turkey, Mr. Serkan Emin, Managing Partner at Altensis, Ms. Ece Sevin, EY Turkey Climate Change and Sustainability Services Leader, Dr. Mitat Çelikpala, Professor of International Relations and the Dean of Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences at Kadir Has University, and Dr. Noomen Lahimer, Consultant and Founder of Evey Technologies.

The participants also had the opportunity to visit the Secretariat of the Organization of Turkic States and meet with Dr. Ömer Kocaman, the Deputy Secretary General as well as the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) where they met with Amb. (a.h.) Dimitrios Rallis, the Deputy Secretary General. The two interesting meetings tackled critical questions pertaining to Turkey’s economic development, regional economic integration and cooperation with a special focus on how to improve economic conditions and business environments. The training concluded with a spectacular visit to MEXT Technology Center where digital transformation was showcased in a real production environment.

KAS PolDiMed would like to thank all participants for their engagement, excitement, and commitment. A special thanks goes to the esteemed speakers and institutions for their invaluable contributions and insights and our colleagues at KAS Turkey for their precious assistance.

Since the start of the program in 2016, the MENA LA has provided youth from across the South Mediterranean region with well-designed trainings and hands-on experiences. These initiatives help them better participate in civic and political life and become positive change actors in their communities.

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Dr. Malte Gaier


Leiter des Auslandsbüros Tunesien +216 - 70 01 8080 +216 - 70 018 099


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