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International Round Table on Public Service Media: Bringing Together Voices from Africa and Europe

Exploring Media Resilience, Trust, and Collaboration Across Continents

Between October 19th and 22nd, KAS Media Africa hosted an International Round Table on Public Service Media (PSM) in Dakar, Senegal – where the African Broadcasting Union (AUB) is based - bringing together experts from across Africa and Europe. This pivotal gathering provided a unique platform to examine the challenges, opportunities, and shared experiences shaping public service media on both continents.

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Participants delved into essential topics, including the role of PSM in times of conflict and crisis, strategies for rebuilding trust and resilience within media institutions, and innovative approaches to attract younger audiences. Esteemed contributions came from major international broadcasters such as the BBC, African Broadcasting Union (AUB), and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), enriching the dialogue and fostering cross-regional collaboration.

The conference was more than a mere exchange of ideas; it served as a powerful reminder of the critical role public service media plays in maintaining democratic values and providing unbiased, high-quality media for the public.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all participants whose invaluable contributions and active engagement made this event a success. Together, we have taken meaningful steps towards fortifying public service media and enhancing collaboration between continents, ensuring media's enduring impact in our rapidly evolving world.

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personi i kontaktit

Cailan Ferreira-Mokoka

Cailan Ferreira-Mokoka

Projektmanagerin +27 (11) 214 29 00


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për këtë seri

Fondacioni Konrad-Adenauer, institucionet e saj arsimore, qendrat arsimore dhe zyrat në vendet e huaja, për çdo vit ofrojnë disa mijëra evenimente rreth temave të ndryshme. Rreth konferencave ekskluzive, rreth evenimenteve, simpoziumeve etj. ne për Ju raportojmë aktualisht dhe eksklusizisht në Përveç përmbledhjes përmbajtësore, Ju këtu mund të gjeni edhe materiale të tjera si fotografi, dorëshkrime të fjalimeve, fragmente video ose audio.