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PHDCCI Ambassadors’ Meet- Fostering International Economic Cooperation

- by PHDCCI & KAS India Office

The Ambassadors’ Meet is an annual flagship of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry and is being organised for more than three decades, the current edition being the 36th edition in the series. The Meet provides a unique experience to the Indian Industry to interact and renew their contacts with the diplomatic community. All the previous edition of the Meet had witnessed participation of several Ambassadors, High Commissioner and Diplomats from the Foreign Missions based in New Delhi, senior bureaucrats from Government of India, Captains of the Indian Industry.

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Key Take Aways:

  • The Meet provided the Industry members present on the occasion an opportunity to deliberate and interact with the various diplomats to understand the various prospects of bilateral trade and economic cooperation present between India and countries around the world.
  • The industry members also made the most of the Meet to renew their contacts with the diplomats present on the occasion.
  • Business Sessions to be organised with respective countries highlighting Trade and Investment Opportunities, inviting Indian businesses to connect and vice versa.
  • The Meet will be followed by Industry Specific B2B Meets/Business Delegations to respective countries and simultaneously host delegations from respective countries at the Chamber.
  • The Meet to be followed by sector specific and focussed one to one meetings with the Diplomatic Missions of the Indian Industry to further guide them in trading/investing/technological transfer as per their company’s strategy.

To continue reading the whole outcome report kindly refer to the attached pdf on the same website.

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personi i kontaktit

Peter Rimmele


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