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Recording "The Taliban's Takeover in Afghanistan"
To understand the direct impact of the Taliban's takeover on international terrorism, and to be able to potentially adapt counter-terrorism measures accordingly, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) brought together a panel of experts in Berlin on April 7, 2022. After a Kexnote Speech from Rahmatullah Nabil, the former Director General of Afghanistan's national intelligence and security service, Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler and Dr. Conrad discussed the current terrorist threat level in Europe as well as the existing and required counter-terrorism measures of our intelligence services. The event ended with a closing statement by Member of Parliament Roderich Kiesewetter, Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Oversight Panel. He assessed the international operation in Afghanistan, talked about lessons learned and put a special focus on the role of our intelligence services when fighting terrorism.
You can watch the recording of the event above.
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Internationale Politik und Sicherheit
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