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Commentary on Albanian Private International Law Act

On July 2019, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Tirana published the Commentary on Albanian Private International Law Act. That emerged from a long-standing and fruitful cooperation between scholars of Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg and the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana

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The Commentary on the Law on Private International Law Act presents a comprehensive, detailed and complex material on private international relations. It testifies the long research work of the authors. In this context, the realization of a voluminous material, structured in eleven chapters and accompanied by five annexes, testifies a serious dedication to the scientific work. The material analyses each and every provision of the Albanian Private International Law Act, starting with an introduction to the subject matter. It continues with the general concepts and provisions applicable to the whole field of private international law and treats each institution in accordance with the legislative text order, i.e. legal capacity of natural persons, legal persons, juristic acts, representation, prescription, marriage and family, succession, property, contractual and extra contractual obligation and last, but not least jurisdictional issues in private international law.

The text represents a complete synthesis of Albanian doctrine and jurisprudence, combined with comparative insights of foreign legislation and jurisprudence in other countries. Of great interest for any reader, especially judges, is also the analysis of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and that of the European Court of Human Rights on the respective issues.

This text is comprehensible for readers of all levels, ranging from law students to law professionals, lawyers or researchers, as it provides extensive information on legal subjects, family, marriage, inheritance, transfer of ownership and contractual and extra-contractual obligations, procedural issues related to the jurisdiction and legitimacy of the parties in the civil process, etc. The material provides an opportunity for interested readers to obtain a broad information and description of the development of conflict of laws and private international law procedure, for familiar or unfamiliar concepts and, as such, has a genuine cognitive and awareness character for the reader to concepts, theories, and treatments not yet known in Albanian doctrine.

The language revision suggested by the scientific board of Magistrate’s School as well as from authors, has contributed to the text refinement and making it pleasant for any reader.

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personi i kontaktit

Zheni Korçari

Zheni Korcari

Koordinatore Projekti +355 4 22 66 525


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