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South Sudan – Triumph of Diplomacy at Last?

Following the latest peace deal signed on 27 August to bring South Sudan’s civil war to an end, Mr. Kiir and Mr. Machar, president and reinstated deputy, have agreed to cease all fighting. However, regardless of whether the deal takes hold over upcoming weeks, the devastating war has already ravaged the impover-ished nation over the past two years.

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Auslandsbüro Uganda und Südsudan

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Fondacija Konrad Adenauer zastupljena je u preko 80 država, na svih pet kontinenata. Direktori predstavništava izveštavaju sa lica mesta o aktuelnim događajima i dugoročnim tendencijama. "Izveštaji iz Srbije" nude korisnicima internet-stranice Fondacije Konrad Adenauer ekskluzivne analize, pozadinske informacije i procene.

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Uganda Uganda

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