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Energy Storage Systems and their Applications in Namibia's Elecrity Sector

Namibia has a huge potential for the wide-spread and efficient use of Renewable Energies. However, a lack of available and sufficient storage solutions is still one of the factors that stops nations from using more than only a fraction of that potential.

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Before this background, well-know Namibian expert Dr. Detlof von Oertzen provided an extensive overview on the topic and touched on aspects such as different storage solutions that are already available, their respective potentials and challenges, their role, relevance and applications as well as their potential use to become future "game changers" for the energy sector.

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O našoj ediciji

Zadužbina Konrad-Adenauer, njene obrazovne institucije, njeni obrazovni centri i kancelarije u inostranstvu nude godišnje više hiljada priredbi za različite teme. O odabranim konferencijama, događajima, simpozijumima itd. izveštavamo za Vas aktuelno i ekskluzivno na Internet stranici www.kas.de. Ovde ćete pored sadržajnog rezimeja naći i dodatne materijale kao što su slike, manuskripti o govorima, video ili audio snimci.

Informacije za naručivanje


Namibia Namibia

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