2. Dezember
09:00 – 09:10 Eröffnung
- Frank Priess, stellv. Leiter der Hauptabteilung Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
- François Godement, Direktor ECFR Asia Programme
- Takeshi Nakane, Botschafter Japans in Deutschland
- Joschka Fischer, Bundesaußenminister a.D.
- Yukio Okamoto, früherer Berater des Premierministers, Japan
10:15 – 11:15 Europas Blick auf Japan
- Mathieu Duchâtel, Deputy-Director and Senior Policy Fellow, ECFR Asia Programme
- Haruko Satoh, Osaka University
- Bruce Stokes, Pew Research Center
11:30 – 12: 45 Brücken bauen in Ostasien
- Bong-Kil Shin, President of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS)
- Kan Kimura, Kobe University
13:00 – 14:30 Welche Rolle spielt Europa für Japan?
Einführung: Frank Priess
- Keynote: Christian Wulff, Bundespräsident a.D.
Moderation: Hirotsugu Aida, Kyodo news
- Thomas Bagger, Berater, Außenministerium
- Sir Robert Cooper, Special Advisor at the European Commission
- Masafumi Ishii, Japanese Ambassador to Belgium, NATO and for PublicDiplomacy
- Wojciech Zajączkowski, Director of Policy Planning staff, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland
16:15 – 17:30 How do trade and investment shape Japan’s image in Europe?
Moderation: Bernd Ziesemer, Business Columnist
- Satohiro Akimoto, Senior Vice President Global Relat ions, Mitsubishi Corporation
- Richard Kühnel, Europäische Kommission
- Mark Hauptmann MdB
- Keynote: Volker Stanzel, Senior advisor to the ECFR Asia Programme, former German Ambassador to China and Japan
- Kommentar: Masafumi Ishii, Japanese Ambassador to Belgium, NATO and for Public Diplomacy
3. Dezember
09:00 – 09:30 Opening trade between Japan and Europe
- Keynote speech: Pascal Lamy, Jacques Delors Inst itute, former Director General of the World Trade Organizat ion
Moderation: Volker Stanzel, Senior advisor to the ECFR Asia Programme, former German Ambassador to China and Japan
- Mayako Kubo, composer
- Adolf Muschg, writer
- Masatsugu Ono, writer
11:15 – 12:45 Roles that Europeans and Japan expect of each other - multilateral action, security needs and global norms
Moderation: Sylvie Kauffmann, Le Monde
- Mark Leonard, Director of ECFR
- Dietmar Nietan, Member of the Bundestag, Germany
- Masataka Suzuki, former State Secretary for Defense, Japan
13:00 – 15:00 Final Reflections and Next Steps – The Agenda for EU-Japan cooperation
Farewell Lunch & Closing speeches in der japanischen Botschaft
- François Godement, Director of ECFR Asia Programme
- Kazuya Sakamoto, Professor Osaka University