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Croatia’s Economic Strategy – Two Years of EU Membership

Diskussion über die Studienergebnisse “Economic and social state of Croatian Nation two years after EU Accession”.

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10.00 Welcome

Michael A. Lange, Ph.D.

Resident Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Nikica Valentić, Special Adviser for Economy to the President of the Republic of Croatia

10.15Presentation of Research results: “Economic and social state of Croatian Nation

two years after EU Accession”

Prof. Slaven Letica, Ph.D., Zagreb Initiative

Prof. Mladen Vedriš, Ph.D., Chair of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Law

10.45Comments on Research Results

Zoran Milanović, Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia

11.30Panel Discussion

“Political, Economic and Social Implications of Croatia’s EU Membership”

Moderator: Tončica Čeljuska, Croatian Radiotelevision

Ivana Maletić, Member of European Parliament

Prof. Zoran Jašić, Ph.D., Ambassador (ret.)

Prof. Ljubo Jurčić, Ph.D., President of Croatian Association of Economists

Prof. Ivan Koprić, Ph.D., Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Asst. Prof. Tomislav Ćorić, Ph.D., Faculty of Economics Zagreb


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Kroatischer Ministerpräsident kommentiert KAS/ZI Umfrage
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Liên hệ

Dr. Michael A. Lange

Dr. Michael A

Kommissarischer Leiter des Rechtsstaatsprogramms Nahost/Nordafrika

Michael.Lange@kas.de +361 1 385-094 +361 1 395-094

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Auslandsbüro Kroatien und Slowenien