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Country report

Regime Change in Syria

After Assad's fall, Jordan and Iraq are looking for a way to deal with the new regime. Optimism meets scepticism.

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Jordan After the Parliamentary Elections

Successful Implementation of Democracy and Signal of Public Discontent

Jordan's parliament is getting younger, more female and more dominated by parties. But citizens' trust in the political process remains limited. A guest article by Edmund Ratka

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Country Report

Daring More Democracy in Jordan

In the shadow of the war in Gaza, the Hashemite kingdom elects a new parliament.

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Interview with Dr. Edmund Ratka

Jordan and the escalation of violence in the Middle East

The significance of the Middle East conflict for the Hashemite Kingdom, reactions to the current escalation of violence and the issue of refugee movements within the region.

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Jordan and the War in Gaza

On the Other Shore of the War

The October 7th attack and Israel's response have major repercussions for Jordan, stirring public sentiment as the king tries to navigate the crisis.

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Country report

The Jordanian Paradox: Participation and Control

Jordan wants to enable more political participation and strengthen parliamentarism. At the same time, the scope for critical expression of opinion is narrowing.

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Asset Publisher


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a German political foundation that promotes civic education, policy analysis, and international dialogue. Active in Germany and worldwide, KAS has an office in Amman since 1982. Our programs in Jordan provide capacity-building and dialogue platforms for youth, civil society, and political institutions. KAS encourages research and reflections about Jordan, its role in the Middle East and its relations with Europe.

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Media library

Royal Hashemite Court
Interview with Dr. Edmund Ratka on Tageschau24

Trump's Gaza Plan

In an interview with Tageschau24, Dr. Edmund Ratka discusses President Trump's plan to resettle Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, to neighbouring countries including Jordan.

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Promoting Elections 2024

Influencers and Elections in Jordan

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An Overview of the Political System in Jordan

In cooperation with the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs (MoPPA), KAS-Jordan has launched the first video in a series that introduces the political system in Jordan.

Jordanien und der Nahostkonflikt

Dr. Edmund Ratka, Leiter des Auslandsbüros, erklärt die Auswirkungen der Eskalation in Israel und Palästina auf Jordanien und warum dies auch für Deutschland wichtig ist.

Interview Deutschlandfunk

Hintergründe der "Palast-Krise" in Jordanien

Dr. Edmund Ratka, Leiter des Auslandsbüros in Jordanien, über die aktuelle Lage im Interview mit dem Deutschlandfunk, 07.April 2021.

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