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Asset Publisher

Annual Review of Kosovo’s Foreign Policy (2023)

This report provides a brief analysis of Kosovo’s foreign policy throughout 2023, until February 15th, 2024. The report is available in English and Albanian.

Republic of Kosovo - Facts and Figures

2023 Edition

An overview of Kosovo's foreign policy, society, economy and culture. Different authors describe through short articles, divided into 17 chapters, the small and big things that define the country. Accompanied by beautiful photos "Republic of Kosovo - Facts and Figures" is the perfect introduction to Kosovo and its people.

Daniel Braun

The citizens of Kosovo now also have the freedom to travel to the European Union

Kosovo is the last country in the Western Balkans to receive visa liberalization with the EU

At the beginning of the year, visa liberalization with the European Union came into force in Kosovo, the last country in the Western Balkans to do so. The freedom to travel, which was achieved after a long wait compared to neighboring countries, is causing much euphoria, especially among the younger generation. However, there is also concern that the freedom to travel could trigger a large wave of emigration of workers and an additional brain drain to the EU states, which would exacerbate the already existing labor shortage in certain economic sectors.

The Revocation of the Kosovo Autonomy 1989 – 1991

and Its Consequences For the Idea of European Integration

An analysis of the revocation of the Kosovo Autonomy and its repercussions by Joseph Marko. The publication is available in Albanian, English and Serbian.

Digital Public Healthcare in Kosovo

An overview of the situation and challenges

Technological developments are shaping the future in many areas, among which health is no exception. This publication analyses the current challenges and the potential that Kosovo has in the development of technology in health services, as well as the importance of this digital transformation for our country.



Ky libër, i shkruar nga profesorët e nderuar Prof. Dr. Remzije Istrefi, Prof. Dr. Bekim Sejdiu dhe Prof. Dr. Ledi Bianku, të cilët kanë edhe përvojë në fushën e gjyqësisë dhe mbrojtjes së të Drejtave të Njeriut, trajton temën e mbrojtjes gjyqësore të të drejtave të njeriut, duke përfshirë përmbledhjen e rasteve kryesore të Gjykatës Kushtetuese të Kosovës, të Gjykatës Evropiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut dhe të Gjykatës së Drejtësisë të Bashkimit Evropian. Qëllimi i përgjithshëm i këtij publikimi është të kontribuojë në ngritjen e kapaciteteve profesionale të komunitetit juridik, veçanërisht të gjyqtarëve, prokurorëve dhe avokatëve, për mbrojtjen gjyqësore të të Drejtave të Njeriut në Kosovë. Më konkretisht, ky publikim synon të ofrojë udhëzim konciz për secilën të drejtë individuale të njeriut që mbrohet me Kushtetutën e Kosovës dhe jurisprudencën përkatëse të Gjykatës Kushtetuese, të GJEDNJ dhe të GJDBE-së, lidhur me këto të drejta. Përpilimi i përmbledhjeve të rasteve të GJEDNJ-së, të GJDBEsë dhe të Gjykatës Kushtetuese të Kosovës do t’i shërbejë komunitetit më të gjerë juridik në Kosovë: gjyqtarëve dhe prokurorëve të të gjitha niveleve, duke përfshirë Gjykatën Kushtetuese të Kosovës, Akademinë e Drejtësisë, Këshillin Gjyqësor të Kosovës, Odën e Avokatëve, Institucionet e Trajnimit, dhe agjenci dhe shoqata të tjera profesionale, aktive në fushën e gjyqësorit.

International Politics and Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, Perceptions of Kosovo Citizens

Citizen perception survey

KAS and Prishtina Institute for Political Studies conducted the survey on the perception of Kosovar Citizens of International Politics and Kosovo Serbia Dialogue. This report outlines the key findings of a citizen survey conducted during November 2022 with 1056 respondents in Kosovo. This survey was conducted by UBO Consulting during November 2022 based on questions designed by PIPS in conjunction with KAS. The survey is divided into two sections. First, it surveys citizen views and perceptions on a wide range of topics that concern Kosovo’s international affairs and its relationship with dominant regional and global powers. Second, the survey explores citizens’ views and perceptions on the most sensitive matters concerning Kosovo’s international position, including the dialogue for normalization of relations with Serbia. Overall, the survey results show that the citizens of Kosovo have a clear opinion on global leadership, international politics, and security. The survey reveals that Kosovo citizens have a clear preference for countries that are seen as promoters of world peace and are supportive of Kosovo’s independence and sovereignty. Concerning Kosovo’s diplomacy and international standing, the survey revealed that while most respondents are satisfied with Kosovo’s foreign policy and diplomacy, there is still a significant portion of the population who are not as satisfied.

Reuters / Gleb Garanich

Kosovo: Political and Social Impact One Year After the Start of Russia's War of Aggression against Ukraine

Kosovar Government is using the Geopolitical Antagonism in the Interest to Move Forward in the Conflict with Serbia

Russia's war against Ukraine has a direct economic impact on the country, while developments in Kosovar-Serbian relations are seen in the context of the war in Ukraine.

Coming Closer to European Union Targets: Green Deal and Environmental Policies in Kosovo and North Macedonia

A paper developed from Conference proceedings held in Prishtina, Kosovo on 9 and 10 November 2022, written by Fitim Mulolli

Estimating cost implications of the Kosovo government Programme

The objective of this short report is to evaluate the costs of the government programme while mirroring it with the current economic situation, the budget, and the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). It ought to contribute towards improving performance and accountability in reaching its targets and objectives. The report also shortly highlights some risks associated with intervention areas and likely sources of funding. The report is available in Albanian and English.