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Digital Public Healthcare in Kosovo

An overview of the situation and challenges

Technological developments are shaping the future in many areas, among which health is no exception. This publication analyses the current challenges and the potential that Kosovo has in the development of technology in health services, as well as the importance of this digital transformation for our country.

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Advancement of technology and its application in public services has played a crucial role in enhancing human health. In the present day, healthcare is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by innovative technologies that continually push the boundaries of disease management. State of the art devices aid in diabetes tests, HIV detection, and fabrication of orthotics, prosthetics, and clinical devices. Additionally, the integration of remote care, telemedicine, and mobile health services is revolutionizing healthcare delivery by bolstering care in medical facilities and empowering patients to actively participate in decision-making alongside healthcare providers. The utilization of wearable devices, mobile health solutions, telehealth, health information technology, and telemedicine has led to enhanced accessibility in healthcare, reduced inefficiencies within the healthcare system, improved service quality, lowered costs, and facilitated individualized or personalized care. 


Kosovo has faced significant challenges with its underperforming healthcare system, aggravated by financial constraints that hindered significant investments in post-war healthcare infrastructure. The country has leveraged international aid to improve healthcare services, but transformative changes have been lacking, coupled with an inflexible and inefficient healthcare system.


This publication analyses the challenges that Kosovo faces and gives recomandations on how to solve them. 

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