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Asset Publisher

E-health Development in Asia and Europe

The integration of digital technologies into healthcare, known as e-health, has revolutionised how we manage and deliver medical services. This Panorama Issue “E-health Development in Asia and Europe” delves into this rapidly evolving field, offering a comprehensive exploration of digital healthcare initiatives across two continents.

IMAGO / Newscom / Singapore Press Holdings

Change of leadership in Singapore

Lawrence Wong takes over as Prime Minister from Lee Hsieng Loong

On May 15, former Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong (51) will take over the reins of government in the island republic of Singapore. He succeeds Lee Hsieng Loong (72), who has led the city state since 2004, as only the fourth head of government in the country's almost sixty-year history since its founding in 1965. The handover of office has been prepared for a long time. Lee had already announced his intention to step down as Prime Minister in 2022. On 5 November last year, he made it clear that he would hand over his office to his deputy Lawrence Wong in November 2024 at the latest. In mid-April, the surprising announcement was made that Wong would be sworn in as the new prime minister on 15 May. The handover of office to Lawrence Wong, who is twenty years younger, marks the start of a generational change. Lee Hsieng Loong, the eldest son of state founder Lee Kuan Yew, is retiring from the front row of politics. Lee will nevertheless remain in the government cabinet in an advisory capacity as Senior Minister.

Adobe Stock / One Dragon

Myanmar three years after the coup: where is the country heading?

A landmark year for Myanmar - new dynamics, alliances and scenarios for a "post-war state"

February 1 marks the third anniversary of the military coup (Tatmadaw) against the democratically elected government led by Aung San Suu Kyi. Peaceful protests in the country continue to be bloodily suppressed and the humanitarian situation is catastrophic. Refugee movements, particularly to Thailand and India, and fighting on the Chinese border are turning the conflict in Myanmar into a supra-regional risk that the ASEAN community has so far done little to counter. Armed resistance has formed in large parts with the People's Defense Force. Since October last year, this has been supported by a number of powerful, highly armed ethnic organizations in the west, north and northeast of the country. The military appears vulnerable for the first time. Debates about a "post-junta" state are gaining momentum, although the ideas of the actors involved in the struggle (democratization vs. expansion of territorial claims) could not be more different. Myanmar is facing a landmark year full of dynamics.

To My Future Self

The KAS scholarship Programme; Facilitator for Female Empowerment

In order to mitigate and learning all the progress and move forward it is imperative that stakeholders work together for the promotion of women’s active participation in state and society. Women’s qualifications and self-confidence are necessities for them to be competitive and to take over leadership in politics and the economy.

Mykolaiv Water Hub - Public Event on Ukraine

On the 7th of December KAS together with KAS RECAP hosted a public event on ““Mykolaiv Water Hub– From a frontline city to an innovative ecosystem: water, energy, food”.

ASEAN-Gipfel: neuer Anlauf für einen Durchbruch zu Myanmar?

Situation in Myanmar weiter beherrschendes Thema; Konfliktlösung in weiter Ferne

Die anhaltende katastrophale humanitäre Situation in Myanmar ist seit dem Militärputsch im Februar 2021 eines der zentralen Themen innerhalb der ASEAN-Staatengemeinschaft. Der zunächst zwischen den ASEAN-Staaten und der Militärjunta ausgehandelte Fünf-Punkte-Plan über das sofortige Ende der Gewalt im Land wurde von den Generälen quasi vollständig ignoriert. Auch der 43. ASEAN-Gipfel vom 5. bis 7. September in Jakarta konnte keinen Durchbruch im Hinblick auf Myanmar erzielen. Eine Konfliktlösung scheint in weite Ferne zu geraten. Sollte es der ASEAN weiterhin nicht gelingen, die Krise in Myanmar zu lösen oder wenigstens ein Stück weit zu entschärfen, könnte dies enorme Auswirkungen auf die Einheit der Staatengemeinschaft haben und damit deren Glaubwürdigkeit im Umgang mit anderen Spannungsherden in der Region auf lange Sicht gefährden.

Andreas Klein/KAS

Mit Erfahrung und Optimismus in die Zukunft

Tharman Shanmugaratnam zum neunten Präsidenten der Republik Singapur gewählt

Mit einem überzeugenden Ergebnis von 70,4 Prozent ist der langjährige Finanzminister und Parlamentsabgeordnete Tharman Shanmugaratnam am 1. September zum neunten Staatspräsident Singapurs seit der Unabhängigkeit im Jahr 1965 gewählt worden. Nach einem kurzen Wahlkampf von nicht einmal zehn Tagen setzte er sich in der Wahl, zu der 2,7 Millionen Singapurer und Singapurerinnen aufgerufen waren, deutlich gegen die beiden Mitbewerber Tan Kin Lian und Ng Kok Song durch. Shanmugaratnam tritt die Nachfolge von Präsidentin Halimah Yacob an, die als erste Frau und Muslima in der 58jährigen Geschichte der Inselrepublik von 2017 bis 2023 als Staatsoberhaupt diente. Die vor wenigen Tagen 69 Jahre alt gewordene Staatspräsidentin, ehemalige Parlamentssprecherin und Ministerin hatte am 29. Mai 2023 angekündigt, keine zweite Amtszeit anzustreben, sondern in den politischen Ruhestand überzugehen.

T20 Policy Brief: Global Health Security during India's G20 Presidency

Task Force 6: Accelerating SDGs: Exploring New Pathways to the 2030 Agenda

G20’s levers and mechanisms for a more pronounced global health security. Paper produced in and submitted to the official T20-process to India's G20 presidency.

KASpaces Ambassadors Interview Series on Sustainable Cities & Resilient Communities

Dasho Ugyen Dorji, Mayor of Thimpu, Royal Government of Bhutan

Dasho Ugyen Dorji, Mayor of Thimpu, Royal Government of Bhutan who is part of our KASpaces Ambassadors Programme shared with us on the best practices of Thimphu Thromde (Municipality), as well its contribution towards the achievement of the Sustainable Developpement Goals



About 50 researchers, representatives from think tanks, non-governmental organisations and the private sector, and senior policy makers attended the conference. The conference featured keynote speeches, panel discussions and presentations by EANGAGE Research Fellows.