

Climate Change and Emission Trading Systems (ETS)

Prof. Tianbao Qin

China’s Perspective and International Experiences

Green house gas (GHG) emissions from fossil energy sources are the main cause of global climate change. For this reason and since the conference of Kyoto 1997 emission trading systems (ETS) have become an important – and in terms of a global order policy – an efficient economic tool to reduce green house gas emissions.


The study of Professor Qin Tianbao, Research Institute of Environmental Law at Wuhan University (RIEL) provides a concise overview over international ETS and discusses their applicability to China in the framework of the overall environmental and climate policy of the People’s Republic of China. China can learn a lot from the experiences made in the European Union, in Australia and in the United States and will hopefully introduce its own ETS in 2014. By doing this, China – as the largest emitter of GHG – would contribute to the goal of an effective reduction of GHG.

The study is funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation (BMZ) and is part of KAS’ global project on climate change. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the opinion or position of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.



Tim Wenniges


