
Veranstaltungen in Litauen



Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.



Discussion: "Hannibal ad portas. Reflections on Total Defence in Lithuania"

The second discussion of the series will take place in Panevėžys on Monday, May 6th

"Hannibal ad portas. Reflections on Total Defence in Lithuania" is a series of discussions across Lithuania to discuss the current security situation in Lithuania and the region and to discuss the necessary measures to strengthen total defence in Lithuania.


Diskussion: "Hannibal ad portas. Reflections on Total Defence in Lithuania"

The second discussion of the series in Panevėžys


Vilnius Security Forum 2023

Deterrence by Unified Defence


Vilnius Security Forum 2023

Deterrence by Unified Defence

The annual “Vilnius Security Forum 2023” on the topic of “Deterrence by Unified Defence” 24 March 2023 is here! In cooperation with the National Defence Foundation and other partners, we are organizing the annual "Vilnius Security Forum 2023".


What does Zeitenwende mean for NATO‘s Eastern Flank?

Discussion with German Security Policy expert and Munich Security Conference Senior Fellow Nico Lange.

Studien- und Informationsprogramm

"The importance of social networks in modern society"



Annual Lithuanian-German Forum Conference

Lithuania and Germany: Europe 2022

Lithuanian-German Forum was established on October 4, 2005 by the initiative of Lithuanian Foreign Ministry to develop direct societal and personal links between eminent leaders and famous figures of each country in the fields of business, culture, education (dual vocational training), politics and public relations; to contribute to the cooperation between different regions of Lithuania and Germany; to initiate different projects in Germany and Lithuania, aimed at developing stronger relations between these two countries as well as the creation of the Wider Europe. Since 2017 LGF is one of the key organisers of the biggest international events in Lithuania – the annual President Valdas Adamkus conferences. In addition, since 2018 LGF convenes high level annual debates on Lithuanian-German relations. This is the third event of this kind and the first after the Covid pandemic.


8th Annual “Chief of Diplomacy” Stasys Lozoraitis Lithuanian Foreign Policy Conference

Conference on Foreign and Security Policy


"Deterrance by Defence”



Dialogreise des AK Junge Außenpolitiker nach Vilnius

Die europäische Sicherheitsarchitektur und die Rolle des Baltikums

Vom 21. bis zum 25. September fand die Dialogreise des Arbeitskreises Junge Außenpolitiker in die Republik Litauen statt. Auf dem Programm standen Gespräche und Austauschformate mit Regierungsmitgliedern, Abgeordneten, Vertreterinnen und Vertretern von Think Tanks und Bürgerrechtsbewegungen.

— 10 Elemente pro Seite
Zeige 1 - 10 von 18 Ergebnissen.


Besuch von MdA Stephan Lenz

Am 02.-07. April 2024 hat Stephan Lenz Estland und Litauen besucht, um Einsichten in die Themen Sicherheit, Resilienz und Digitalisierung zu erhalten.

Die Diskussionen und Gespräche während des Besuches gingen primär um den Umgang Europas mit der Aggression Russlands. Durch MdA Stephan Lenz' Besuch wurde das Verständnis für die unterschiedlichen Positionen in der EU gestärkt und internationale Kontakte vertieft.

Diskussion der neuen Sicherheitsherausforderungen in Europa

Neue Sicherheitsherausforderungen für Europa – Welche Rolle spielt Deutschland aus Sicht der Baltischen Staaten?

The Baltic states and Germany must work together to strengthen the Eastern flank.

KAS, Anne-Katrin Mellmann

30 Jahre deutsch-litauische Beziehungen – eine verlässliche Partnerschaft

Der Litauische Staatspräsident Gitanas Nausėda besucht die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Im Rahmen seines Staatsbesuchs war der litauische Präsident Gitanas Nausėda am Mittwoch zu Gesprächen in der KAS zu Gast.

KAS Verbindungsbüro Litauen

Neue Stipendiaten der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

2021 hat die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung für Litauen ein neues Stipendiatenprogramm ins Leben gerufen. Mit Beginn des Wintersemesters 2021/22 konnten nun die ersten Stipendiaten ihre Urkunde erhalten.

Discussion Report | The Virus of Disinformation - How to Deal with Social Media

Social media has become important in the daily lives of many people. However, during the discussion "The Virus of Disinformation – How to Deal with Social Media" it has been concluded that social media has also been used to spread disinformation and used by autocrats to influence democratic processes.

European Strategic Autonomy - More than a Catchphrase

The panelists engaged in a productive discussion on European Strategic Autonomy. The discussion proved that European Strategic Autonomy is definitely not just a catchphrase.