👉 The briefing document by Ambassador Dr. Len Ishmael created in collaboration with MDPD KAS reviews the process of the EU-OACPS negotiations, reviews the process of the EU-OACPS negotiations, with a view to providing insights on the following issues:
📌 The challenges and bottlenecks in the process and those issues that have created tension.
📌The future roles of the African Union (AU) and #OACPS Secretariats in the EU-OACPS relationship, and in Africa’s relationship with the #EU.
📌Areas of unfinished business that could potentially lead to problems of implementation.
📌Observations from the negotiation process and lessons learned.
📲 FlipBook version:
📣 Tweetstorm: 20 April, '21 - starting from 03:00 PM (CET) @twitter.com/mnedbrussels
💡 IG campaign: https://bit.ly/3v44R6d
Doc: Paper - CC BY-SA 4.0
Pic: Flickr - Présidence de la République du Bénin - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
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