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The EU Emissions Trading Scheme is the world’s oldest and largest of its kind. The new EU Commission is pushing the idea of expanding the scheme to additional economic sectors to get closer to the goal of comprehensive common carbon pricing. Thereby Europe could address the challenge of climate change in a cost-efficient way, putting itself at the forefront of the global race for a high-tech low carbon society.
But how to organize the next steps? What do politicians in Europe have to agree on in the next months and years? Could the Nordic countries and Germany be part of a coalition that leads the way?
Join us in discussing the road ahead for carbon pricing in Europe! To learn more about the subject, read the KAS Briefing Paper on EU Carbon Pricing (linked below right).
Sign up for the Zoom discussion here.
The discussion will also be livestreamed to the KAS Nordic countries project facebook page. A recording will later be published on our social media channels.
11:00 Welcome address
Gabriele Baumann, Head of the KAS Nordic Office
11:05 Keynote speeches
Michael Pahle, Head of Working Group “Climate & Energy Polcy”, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Fredrik Hannerz, Head of Emission Trading Unit, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Samuli Puroila, Specialist, Climate Solutions, SITRA (Finland)
11:40 Discussion
Moderation: Martin Schebesta, KAS
12:30 Closing remarks