With the recent publication of the Icelandic study, time has come to try to compare the results of the three studies and reach conclusions of common relevance for Norway, Greenland, Iceland, Europe, and the wider world. What is, for instance, each country’s standpoint when it comes to increased Chinese international influence and foreign investments? And how does each country weigh its relationships with the US and the European Union?
Joining us will be one author from each research institute involved, who will present their findings before a panel discussion where questions from the audience will be discussed.
We welcome you to join our live discussion on Zoom (register here) or on Facebook Live (find the event here)!
A recorded version of the discussion will later be shared on the KAS Nordic Countries Project YouTube channel (which you ca find here).
13:00 Opening and Welcome
Gabriele Baumann, KAS Resident Representative to the Nordic countries.
Speakers’ Input
- Dr. Øyvind Svendsen, Senior Research Fellow at NUPI, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.
- Dr. Maria Ackrén, Associate professor, Institute of Social Science, Economics & Journalism, Ilisimatusarfik (The University of Greenland)
- Dr. Silja Bára Ómarsdóttir, Professor of International Affairs at the Faculty of Political Science, the University of Iceland.
Richard Forsén from the KAS Nordic Countries Project will moderate the discussion.
14:15 End of the event