Panel Discussion on Coalition Management: Perspectives from
South Africa. Panelists: Democratic Alliance (DA), Action SA, and Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), Build One South Africa (BOSA) and Spectrum National Party (SNP)
Dr. Klaus Schüler, Former Director-General of the Christian Democrat Union (CDU) and Prof. William Gumede, of the Wits School of Governance (WSG) who presented on the Landscape of Coalitions in Africa.
Dr. Heather A. Thuynsma, Lecturer, Department of Political Sciences, University of Pretoria and Executive Director: Emerging Scholars Initiative and ESI Press; Ms. Winifred Kiiza, Ugandan teacher and politician, who served as the Leader of Opposition in Parliament (2016-2018) and Mr. Arnaud Guy Valere Kouao, of the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI-RDA).
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