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The Africa Journalism and Media Summit

Reinventing Local Journalism in the age of Disruption

The Africa Journalism and Media Summit was pivotal annual event that aimed to provide a platform for the various media stakeholders from diverse sectors to come together and share ideas on how to exist in the changing environment.


SADC Industrialisation Week 2024

Promoting Innovation to Unlock Opportunities for Sustainable Economic Growth and Development Towards an Industrialised SADC

The Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries which is a key KAS Zimbabwe partner hosted the SADC Industrial week in Harare. This event was the convergence of business, policy and society. As the SADC business community met, it was during a realization that going global debate must be an intention that is brought to life by both business and policy. How does business remain competitive in a time of continuous and even rapid global changes around our economies and businesses? Hashtag #GLOCALISE


KAS Breakfast Meeting on Innovation

Leveraging Technology for Business Innovation

The objective of the breakfast meeting was to offer a platform for discussion among innovators, students, the business community and policy makers on matters affecting innovators and emerging entrepreneurs. This inaugural breakfast meeting on the topic sought to examine how we can leverage technology for business innovation.


KAS Panel on the Youth Quota at the Ideas Festival 2023

Supporting political dialogue and democratic consolidation

The panel shared thoughts on how the youth quota can strengthen the participation of youths within political parties and in the broader political space.


Congress of Zimbabwe Industries 2023 Annual Congress

Answering the African Opportunity Call

The 2023 CZI Congress is taking place at the same time that CZI is celebrating 100 Years. The theme for this year’s congress is “Answering the African Opportunity Call. CZI believes that the opportunity that the AfCFTA provides requires an argyle and robust policy and business strategy at home. KAS has been collaborating with CZI in terms of strengthening its capacity as the voice of industry.



Africa Journalism and Media Summit

New Horizons in Sub-Saharan African Journalism: Embracing Innovation and Adapting to Change in the Age of AI

The Africa Journalism and Media Summit is an annual congregation of stakeholders from the media, academia, government, civil society and business organized by the Zimbabwe Centre for Media and Information Literacy (ZCMIL)



Taking Politics Professionally

The National Movement for Catholic Students in collaboration with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Zimbabwe conducted a multi-party capacitation of youths active in politics on taking politics professionally. This capacitation was necessitated by the realization that for there to be progressive politics in Zimbabwe, young politicians needed to be made aware of the influence they yield in their communities and the responsibility that comes with aiming for public office. The workshop capacitated the youths Kariba in Zimbabwe about the electoral processes in the country for any sort of participation from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission. The participants were capacitated on the electoral processes, they also were engaged on a discussion on leadership ethics for common good with the help of the Catholic Commision for Peace and Justice. The Participants were also trained on how to run and manage an electoral campaign and also how to professionally manage media and social media for election purposes.


Book Launch of "Media Perceptions of Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa"

A launch of a report aimed achieving Enhanced Knowledge on impact of Climate Change and the role of Media in Sub-Saharan Africa in enhancing that knowledge.

The Foundation launched this publication with the aim of providing a comprehensive analysis of media perception on climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa focusing on the current state of media coverage of Climate Change, challenges faced by journalists in reporting on Climate Change and the impact of media coverage on public understanding and engagement with Climate Change.


Launch of the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries 2022 Manufacturing Survey

The elusive quest for economic stability

On 6 April 2023 the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) launched the 2022 Annual Manufacturing survey which provides a detailed insight into the performance of the manufacturing sector in 2022. CZI has a long standing partnership with KAS in the area of economic dialogue.



Pray,Register,Vote Webinar Series

A Cry for Peaceful Zimbabwean Elections from the Church

On the 28th of March 2023 the National Movement of Catholic Students a KAS partner aired a webinar dubbed: A Cry for Peaceful Elections from the Church. The episode was done under the Pray, Register, Vote Webinar Series The webinars intention was to cover the gap of offering neutral political information, offering a neutral ground for people to dialogue and debate, encourage young people to go register and vote, to raise awareness on and bout the need for peaceful elections, to share on what the church is doing to ensure peaceful elections and finally to give a general view what the judiciary system is like in like with politics. The panelists included Dorcas Chitiyo a Human Rights Lawyer, Father Kembo the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Officer and it was moderated by Jacob Matumbe.


Harare - Banjul Start-Up Forum

Gambische und simbabwische Jungunternehmer im Austausch

Die Schaffung von Perspektiven für junge Menschen und die Entwicklung der lokalen Landwirtschaft sind Grundvoraussetzungen für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Subsahara-Afrika. In diesem Zusammenhang fand in Kooperation mit dem Auslandsbüro Senegal / Gambia am 28. und 29. Mai das erste Harare - Banjul Start-Up Forum statt.

Enge Verflechtung von politischer Führung und Militär prägt nach wie vor das Machtgefüge

Als das Militär in Harare einrückte und Präsident Mugabe zum Rücktritt zwang, blickte die Welt auf Simbabwe. Viele sahen die Ereignisse als Fanal für Demokratie und wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung. Waren diese Hoffnungen voreilig oder steht der lang erhoffte politische Wandel tatsächlich bevor?

Vernetzung simbabwischer und deutscher Vertreter zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen

Besucher aus Simbabwe in Deutschland

Auf Einladung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung waren vergangene Woche Vertreter der simbabwischen Zivilgesellschaft zu Gast in Deutschland. Sie nahmen an der UN- Weltklimakonferenz in Bonn teil und informierten sich über das Zusammenspiel von Staat und Zivilgesellschaft zum Schutz der Umwelt und Förderung nachhaltiger Entwicklung.

Municipal Environment Policy and National Climate Policy - A Perspective of Implementation

On the 17th of February 2017, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Zimbabwe office teamed up with COMALISO, a local NGO to undertake a workshop/consultative forum in Ruwa on the policy issue of Climate change. The particular question at hand was that of how the National Government Climate change policy was being implemented at municipal level, the idea being that for the national policy to work, various municipalities including grassroots initiatives would have to be in sync with the National governments strategy.

Social Contract: Business Seeks To Preserve Value in A VUCA Environment

On the 16th of February 2017, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Zimbabwe in cooperation with the Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe (EMCOZ) organized a conference on the pro-posed Social Contract. The aim of the activity was promoting dialogue between the business community, the ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare as well as the National Social Security Authority (NSSA).