

"YEESS" - Youth Employment Enterprise & Skills Summit

Der "YEESS"-Kongress 2016 ist eine Initiative, die mehr als 400 Jugendliche im Rahmen einer Jobmesse mit lokalen+überregionalen Unternehmen zusammenbringt. Im Rahmen der Messe werden Podiumsdiskussionen, Trainings und weitere Events stattfinden.



Youth unemployment has become a defining experience for South African citizenry. Its pervasive, socio-economic and political effects are far reaching and pose a direct risk to our countries future. The problem is further compounded by issues of poverty and inequality that youth in our communities grapple with every day. It is no longer feasible to address the issue using a deficit model—the immense scale and complexity of the challenge calls for a collaborative and stakeholder based approach to unlock solutions that increase opportunities for employment and skills acquisition for our youth.

The Youth Employment Enterprise and Skills Solutions (YEESS) Conference is a youth activation initiative of CS Innovations implemented in partnership with Germany’s Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the Mandela Bay Development Agency (MBDA). The aim of the summit is to promote positive engagement of youth and stakeholders through a deliberate process of co-creation dialogues, networking and skills acquisition in order to address the challenge of unemployment in Nelson Mandela Bay, whilst promoting and improving support to youth who are seeking enterprise promotion and employability through self-employment. Key themes YEESS will address include:


1.Youth that are EngagingUnderstanding the contextual reality of the pathways to career, enterprise and skills. Factors that hinder or help youth in achieving positive experience towards productive citizenship. Summary Action Plan to promote enabler and institutional support for unemployed youth and new entrants to world of work.

2.Youth that are Enterprising: Identifying partnership and programmes that help support approaches to enterprise, self-employment and experience / skills acquisitions / Summary Action Plan that strengthens support measures / collaboration for youth in enterprise and financial / non-financial support to an entrepreneurial culture.

3.Youth that are Evolving Discussions on the changing nature of the world of work, technology and innovation and what can be leveraged to create a better momentum towards youth. Summary Action Plan on do-able interventions and collaboration to accelerate youth in attaining marketable and evolving skills required.

We would like to invite you to join us:

The YEESS event will be held on:

Date:Monday, 6 March 2017

Venue:ETC Conference Centre, Spondo Street, Zwide

Time:08:30 am – 16:30 pm

Programme:The final programme will be sent to you upon registration

Costs: No cost

Please confirm your acceptance of this invitation by clicking here to RSVP: OR Send via Fax/Scan email the attached YEESS Confirmation Sheet


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ETC Conference Centre, Spondo Street, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape

Referentinnen und Referenten

  • Arthur Trollip
    • Executive Mayor of Port Elizabeth


      "YEESS": Youth Employment Enterprise & Skills-Summit
      Jetzt lesen

      Nancy Msibi

      Nancy Msibi

      Projektkoordinatorin +27 (11) 214 2900-110
      YEESS-Logo Eigene Datei



      Partner [Plural]

      Campher & Sebata Innovations

      Bereitgestellt von

      Auslandsbüro Südafrika