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Facts and Findings

The quality of early childhood education is what counts

by Stefan Faas, Katharina Kluczniok, Hans-Günther Roßbach

Pedagogical quality of early childhood education as central factor for educational equality

In recent years, early childhood education has experienced a strong quantitative expansion, which must be continued. The pedagogical quality of early childhood education is central to children's development and their further educational progress. It is a decisive factor for educational equality that can be controlled by educational policy. A monitoring system for the collection and evaluation of current data is necessary in order to shape educational policy, the actions of the institutions and the pedagogical work on site in an even more targeted and empirically sound manner.

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The high proportion of fourth-graders who do not meet the minimum standards in German and mathematics suggests that there should be an even stronger focus on high-quality education from the very beginning and on further expanding early childhood education. Good quality daycare centers exist when children receive cognitive, linguistic, social and physical support in them and this serves their well-being as well as their education.

In addition to improving the general conditions, process quality plays a decisive role. This refers to the quality of the actual pedagogical activities, the concrete interactions and the educational experiences of children based on them.

Studies suggest that the quality of the stimulation processes in day care centers in Germany is on average only on a mediocre level. However, we know too little about the current quality situation in German daycare centers. In schools, regular quality or competence measurements are a matter of course. In early childhood education, too, there is a need for quality monitoring that records process quality in national surveys. This can identify effective measures to improve pedagogical interactions and the stimulation experienced by children, providing a basis for evidence-based education policy.

Read the entire analysis "Auf die Kitaqualität kommt es an" as a PDF here. 

The publication is only available in German.


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Felise Maennig-Fortmann

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Education and University Policy +49 30 26996 3768


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About this series

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


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