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Facts and Findings

Selling Migrants?

by Dr. La Toya Waha

How Transnational Smuggling Networks Further Trafficking in Human Beings in Europe and Beyond

A series of police operations against Vietnamese smuggling networks, which trade humans like a commodity into exploitation, has gained public attention early this year. Thereby, it appears that the trade with migrants in Europe is not rare, and trafficking in human beings seems to be liked to migration. What links these two phenomena and which role do transnational criminal networks play?

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In the midst of the European Union, whose fundaments are based on human rights, a phenomenon has taken hold, which was thought to be part of past long overcome. Frequently people are sold like a commodity and forced to live like slaves. They are exploited in diverse ways: among others in prostitution, forced marriages, in forced labour in restaurants, in construction and meat industries. They are forced into begging and crime; children are sold into adoption.

While some call it modern day slavery, experts call it trafficking in human beings. There are reasons to assume a relation between trafficking in human beings and migration in the European Union.

This paper points out the essential role transnational smuggling networks play in linking trafficking in human beings to migration and in expanding the phenomenon of trafficked migrants: The professionalisation of smuggling networks active along the central migration routes to and within Europe furthers trafficking in human beings. Beyond that, the paper suggests means to curb the further expansion of such networks.


Read the entire “Facts and Findings” here as a PDF.

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Dr. La Toya Waha


Asset Publisher

About this series

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


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