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NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Freedom needs Security

Freedom needs Security

Security is a prerequisite for freedom. On our focused theme page, our experts elucidate why and where peace, freedom, democracy, the rule of law, prosperity, and solidarity are at risk, and what we can do to counter these threats.


No peace without freedom!

Konrad Adenauer, 1952

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At a glance

  • In Deutschland und weltweit beobachten wir die Entwicklungen der sicherheitspolitischen Lage unter Einbeziehung relevanter Akteure und Politikbereiche. Unser Anspruch ist es, Sicherheit vernetzt zu denken.
  • Besonders wichtig ist uns eine gut ausgestattete, einsatzfähige, starke und gesellschaftlich anerkannte Bundeswehr. Daher wollen wir unter anderem die Debatte um die allgemeine Dienstpflicht weiterführen.
  • Als politische Stiftung bekennen wir uns zur NATO und finden, dass Deutschland mehr Verantwortung übernehmen muss. Wir sind außerdem davon überzeugt, dass eine bessere militärische Zusammenarbeit in Europa die NATO nachhaltig stärken würde.
  • Wir halten die regelbasierte und liberale multilaterale Weltordnung für schützenswert und glauben, dass wir unsere Innere Sicherheit global denken müssen, um Extremismus und Terrorismus gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern erfolgreich bekämpfen zu können.
  • Cyberangriffe spielen beim Thema Sicherheit eine zunehmende Rolle. Für diese Bedrohungen gilt es, die Gesellschaft zu sensibilisieren. Mit unserer Arbeit klären wir auf und fördern eine achtsamere Wahrnehmung.



1. Illuminating the connections

2. Strengthening the Bundeswehr and NATO

3. Protecting a rule-based international order

4. Raising awareness in society

5. Our offers and projects on the topic

6. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Discuss with us on social media under the hashtag: #KAS4Security.

Often, a brief look at the day's news headlines suffices: Wars, military conflicts, and various rivalries claim lives in many regions of the world. Even within our own country, there are individuals and organizations spreading fear and terror, largely because they oppose our freedom and our state's governance.


Illuminating the connections

At the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, we have long been observing and analyzing such developments. Our experts, who operate globally, illuminate the connections and explain why our freedom, democracy, and security are not to be taken for granted, as well as how best to deal with these threats. We advocate for 'connected security', which means that we do not view security and defense in isolation but include all relevant developments, actors, and policy areas – both in Germany and around the world.


Strengthening the Bundeswehr and NATO

Key priorities for us include the following: For a safe and free life, we need a strong, recognized, well-equipped, and operationally capable Bundeswehr. It is essential to support the men and women who commit their lives to serving our country, whether in the Bundeswehr or in other professions. We are also committed to continuing the debate on mandatory national service.

Furthermore, we believe that improved military cooperation within Europe would strengthen NATO. On the path to forming a European army, significant decisions must be made regarding European arms integration, legal frameworks for deploying armed forces, and establishing joint structures. The ongoing cooperation with the United States within NATO continues to be vital for our continent's security, a role unchanged since the Bundeswehr's establishment in 1955.

From its inception, the Bundeswehr has been an integral part of NATO. Germany alone cannot ensure its security. NATO represents Germany's commitment to the West, a policy that has safeguarded the peace and freedom of the Federal Republic for over 70 years. In this alliance, Germany must assume a leadership role, meaning it should take on more responsibility in the military sphere and strengthen the European pillar of NATO.


Protecting a rule-based international order

We advocate for a rule-based and liberal multilateral world order because it aligns with Germany's interests. We should actively contribute to promoting joint solutions in the EU, NATO, and the United Nations.

Only by working together can we effectively combat international terrorism. This necessitates a global perspective on our internal security. Our state faces increasing threats from external and internal extremism and terrorism. Therefore, a robust European security architecture is essential.


Raising awareness in society

Today's threats often emerge digitally, targeting our data, information systems, infrastructure, security, freedom, and democracy. These attacks cannot be repelled alone; it requires a collective effort with our European and transatlantic partners.

Being collectively strong also means assuming responsibility within our society and being well-informed. We are committed to contributing to this effort.

Our offers and projects on the topic

International offices and programmes

The issue of security is complex and multidimensional, as security crises, conflicts, wars, or unstable state structures often have global implications due to a closely interconnected and globalized world. Our security dialogue in Sub-Saharan Africa aims to contribute to the stabilization of regions heavily affected by crises through intensified dialogue.

Security Policy Dialogue in Sub-Saharan Africa


In recent years, security crises in Sub-Saharan Africa have significantly increased, underscoring the need for deeper security dialogue in the region. The Security Policy Dialogue in Sub-Saharan Africa regional program includes offices in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (SIPODI West), and Kampala, Uganda (SIPODI East) for the Francophone and Anglophone regions, respectively. The program's objectives include strengthening the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) through appropriate, often cross-sectoral measures, such as combating terrorism and crime.


Learn more about the Security Policy Dialogue in West Africa

Learn more about the Security Policy Dialogue in East Africa


Event series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers a wide range of events on security policy topics. Our regular series of events on current issues and challenges in European and international security policy are particularly noteworthy.

Adenauer Conference


One of our flagship events on Germany's role in European and international security policy is the Adenauer Conference. At this conference, we discuss with renowned politicians and experts the current security policy challenges and strategic questions for the future: What is NATO's role? Where does Europe stand in systemic competition, and how does the pandemic affect security policy?


Learn more about the Adenauer Conference

F.A.Z.-KAS Debate on International Politics


The “F.A.Z.-KAS-Debate on International Politics”, organized annually with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, helps strengthen the important discourse on foreign policy issues in Germany. The synergy of the two event partners is notable: the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung with its more than 110 locations abroad and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung with its longstanding foreign policy expertise.


Learn more about the F.A.Z.-KAS Debate

GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum


The GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum, an annual conference held in Slovakia, has established itself as a leading platform in Central and Eastern Europe. This strategic conference, primarily dedicated to security and international relations, is among the most important of its kind globally.


Learn more about GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum

Forte de Copacabana


The Forte de Copacabana international security conference, a multilateral forum for exchange between Europe and South America, is organized jointly with the European Union Delegation and the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI). The conference focuses on international security issues and provides an exciting platform for dialogue between Latin American and European security policy representatives.


Learn more about Forte de Copacabana

Reichsbürger and Selbstverwalter


Our series of events “Reichsbürger and Selbstverwalter” regularly provides information on the various threats posed by the scene. Experts from civil society, academia, security authorities and politics provide assessments of current developments and are available for further discussion in a subsequent Question & Answer session.


Learn more about Reichsbürger and Selbstverwalter


Publication and website projects

A number of our publication and website projects are dedicated to exploring various aspects of security. Particularly noteworthy is our project on the “Future of the Bundeswehr” and our comprehensive knowledge portal on extremism.

75 years of NATO


It was not only the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine that showed that our freedom needs security and defence. This year, NATO celebrates its 75th anniversary. On our project page, we offer a comprehensive look at the history of the defence alliance and highlight current developments, challenges, and opportunities. So, take a look and dive into our various publications and formats.


Learn more about NATO's 75th anniversary

“The Deteriorating Security Situation in West Africa”


In view of the growing threat of Islamist terrorism in West Africa, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation has launched the project “The Deteriorating Security Situation in West Africa” in cooperation with the Counter Extremism Project. As part of the project, we not only analyze the deteriorating security situation in the region in a total of twelve strategy documents and weekly social media analyses, but also focus on general security issues and ways to combat terrorism. The results of the analyses lead to concrete recommendations for action for political decision-makers.


Learn more about “The Deteriorating Security Situation in West Africa”

Defensible Democracy


Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine has brought the defense capability of democracy into the public and political spotlight. However, our democracy faces not only the potential military power of other states but also numerous other threats, both external and internal. These threats are the focus of our essay collection and a major campaign.


Learn more about the topic “Defensible Democracy” or go directly to the essay volume “The (More) Defensive Democracy”.

Disinformation - threat and danger for democracy and society


The Russian war against Ukraine highlights the military significance of the information space. In the digital age, disinformation has taken on new dimensions, capable of not only causing societal divisions but also endangering our democracy. Our campaign is dedicated to combating disinformation and fostering a resilient democracy.


Learn more about the topic “Disinformation - threat and danger for democracy and society”.



The Extremism project of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers a comprehensive knowledge portal on aspects of “left-wing extremism,” “right-wing extremism,” “Islamism,” and “conspiracy theories.” Our experts provide detailed information in their articles and analyses on the complexity and various nuances of these topics. Whether you have questions about extremist ideologies, structures, objectives, or organizations, our extremism portal has the answers.


Learn more about the Extremism Project

The Road to the Third Nuclear Age – A Timeline


Our project “The Road to the Third Nuclear Age – A Timeline” provides a comprehensive overview of the nuclear age and arms control. From the inception of the Manhattan Project and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to nuclear weapons testing, dangerous incidents involving nuclear weapons, and international disarmament treaties, this project offers journalists and the politically and historically interested public an in-depth introduction to the topic.


Learn more about the nuclear arms control timeline


Working groups

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has established working groups for specific thematic focuses. These groups aim to consolidate and deepen expert knowledge and facilitate networking among professionals in their respective fields.

Working Group Young Foreign Policy Experts

In the “Young Foreign Policy Experts” working group, young professionals contribute their knowledge of foreign policy and develop concepts for the political challenges of our time. The range of topics covered by the working group is broad, spanning European policy, transatlantic relations, security and defense policy, and economic, technology, and development policy.


Learn more about the Working Group Young Foreign Policy Experts

Working Group on Terrorism and Internal Security

The working group, which has been in existence since 2015, is dedicated to issues of counterterrorism and internal security. Its members discuss and jointly develop solutions for current challenges, focusing particularly on the threats posed by far-right and Islamist extremism and terrorism.


Learn more about the Working Group on Terrorism and Internal Security


Scholarship and didactic offers

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung offers an exciting doctoral program for doctoral candidates and postgraduates interested in international security policy as well as complex crisis and conflict situations. The program aims to address current global challenges in this field.

International Doctoral Program “Security and Development in the 21st Century”

The focus of the “Security and Development in the 21st Century” doctoral program is on analyzing current global challenges and developing strategies to manage complex conflict and crisis situations. The program brings together German and international doctoral candidates who receive scholarships as part of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's doctoral support program. This enables recognized scientists and practitioners to work together, allowing doctoral candidates to deepen their theses in constant personal exchange between theory and practice.


Learn more about the international Doctoral Program “Security and Development in the 21st Century”

Political education for the Bundeswehr


Current political developments and backgrounds in Germany, Europe and the world are often embedded in complex contexts. Our aim is to explain these and thus promote a better understanding in the troops of topics that are sometimes difficult to penetrate. Participants benefit from our many years of experience in political education. Our seminars for political, historical, intercultural and ethical education usually take place as closed events for one unit. We would be happy to send you a tailor-made program!


Find out more about our training programs for the Bundeswehr

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Dr. Christina Catherine Krause


Head of Department International Politics and Security Affairs +49 30 26996-3445 +49 30 26996-53445
Single title
July 4, 2022
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Event reports
KAS / Tina Flemming
May 12, 2023
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications on this topic

Civil war in Sudan IMAGO / Xinhua

Two years of civil war in Sudan

The latest developments in the crisis region

Header der Publikation Trump 2.0 (2025) Nipu / Adobe Stock

Perspective Trump 2.0

A New Era of Transatlantic Relations

Village in rural Togo

A Front Line with Jihadism Drawn in the Sand of the Sahel

Jihadist expansion in northern Benin and Togo threatens stability, as armed groups exploit local conflicts and socio-economic struggles to weaken state authority

Volodymyr Zelensky, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance IMAGO / MediaPunch

Showdown in the Oval Office

US Opinions on the Future of Trump's Ukraine Policy

Defence aircraft Adobe Stock/WITTAYA ANGMUJCHA

Boost for the Defence Industry

Seven short-term proposals for a competitive domestic defence sector

Ahmed al-Scharaa trifft jordanischen Außenminister Ayman Safadi IMAGO / APAimages

Regional Implications of the Fall of Assad

How do Jordan and Iraq React?

Wang Yi, bei seiner Rede an der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz IMAGO / Björn Trotzki

China at the Munich Security Conference

More than just a short-term PR success for Beijing?

Afrikanische Union Debatte Addisou Deresse

From Paralysis to Progress? Who will be the new face of the African Union?

A portrait of the candidates for the chairmanship of the AU Commission

Enver Hoxha IMAGO / Everett Collection

Albania and religion – a globally unique case

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation commissioned a study on religious issues.

Moroccan cannons IMAGO / Panthermedia

Between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean: Morocco's maritime security strategy

Complex transnational challenges for the country's maritime security

Alexander Lukaschenko IMAGO / ITAR-TASS

“Election” in Belarus

Ruler Lukashenko Grants Himself Another Five Years

Risk and Threat Perception

China Latin America and the United States 169

China, Latin America, and the United States: Geopolitical Impacts and New Challenges

KALUZA+SCHMID Studio GmbH, Berlin

In|vo|lun|ta|ri|ly ce|li|ba|te (Incel)

A misogynistic threat to internal security – on the potential danger of the misogynist incel scene

The Second Foreign and Security Policy Opinion Poll in Greenland

Blauer Flecktarn Bundeswehr_hell

Politische Bildung für die Bundeswehr

#Programm 2025

Romanian and European flags side by side IMAGO / Russian Look

Presidential elections annulled after hybrid attack

Romania is fighting for democracy on two fronts

Syrians celebrate the fall of the Assad regime IMAGO / SOPA Images

A Window of Opportunity for Syria

After more than 50 years, the rule of the Assad family is coming to an end. This is cause for celebration. But Syria faces huge challenges.

Demonstranten vor dem IMAGO / NurPhoto

Surprise coup against Parliament

In conflict with opposition, South Korea’s President declared martial law

Sudanesische Flüchtlinge im Tschad IMAGO / Le Pictorium

Sudan crisis hits Sahel country Chad

An opportunity for Russia?

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Events on the topic



„Deutsches Reich“ und „BRD-GmbH“: Reichsbürger und Selbstverwalter in Sachsen-Anhalt

Teilnahme auch über Facebook ( und Youtube ( möglich



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Klicken, Lernen, Wissen?

Herausforderungen an Gesellschaft und Schule in der digitalen Welt




Bonner Rede 2025

Im Fokus: Art. 24 GG



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Griante-Cadenabbia (CO)

Europäische Sicherheit aus deutscher und französischer Perspektive

Ein Cadenabbia-Seminar

Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic


Bonn/Berlin – Moskau. Irrungen und Wirrungen.

Die Geschichte der deutschen Russlandpolitik seit 1990: Ein Rückblick beim ersten Wetzlarer Gespräch

Sendker-Glas FB

Was sind die Perspektiven der Ukraine nach drei Jahren Krieg?

Eine Bilanz des 50. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live vom 25. Februar 2025 mit Marion Sendker und Othmara Glas.

Speaker MSC frontal Max Volz Media

Catch me if you can #CyberEdition: How to keep up with non-state hackers acting as digital proxies

Side event organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation at the Munich Security Conference

05_149 Geburtstag Adenauer Friedrich Merz 151

„Lebendige Erinnerung an Konrad Adenauer“

Header Europa-Rede Gerd Markert/KAS

‘Europe must stand on its own two feet’

State of Europe 2024

Wehrdienst, Wehrpflicht, Gesellschaftsjahr – Was braucht Deutschland?

"Wenn wir wirtschaftlich keine Rolle spielen, spielen wir auch politisch keine Rolle"

Bei der F.A.Z.-KAS-Debatte diskutieren Experten über die Wahlen in den USA und ihre möglichen Folgen. Auf Europa sehen sie große Herausforderungen zukommen.

„Die CDU ist DIE Amerika-Partei der Bundesrepublik“

23. Treffen des Ideengeschichtlichen Arbeitskreises


Welche Wege weisen in die Zukunft?

Die Ukraine, Russland und Perspektiven für eine neue Europäische Friedensordnung

0_Familie (1)

Grundgesetz und Pizza

Workshop mit dem Poetry Slamer Nick Pötter

Drohnenkampftruppe KAS

Braucht die Bundeswehr eine Drohnenkampftruppe?

Dokumentation zur Online-Veranstaltung am 27. Juni 2024

Kiel Security Conference 2024 Header Jan Kulke/KAS

Kiel Security Conference 2024

“Critical Junctures – the Future of the North”

XII. Adenauer Konferenz am 15. Mai 2024 KAS/Edgar Nemschok

„A turning point requires determination“

Report on the XII. Adenauer Conference on 15 May 2024

Sendker Naumann2

75 Jahre NATO: Zerreißprobe für das Atlantische Bündnis am Beginn einer neuen Weltordnung?

Eine Bilanz des 45. #HessenKAS Facebook-Live in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Atlantischen Gesellschaft am 10. April 2024

8 - sei-a-mensch-5459

Sei a Mensch!

Fotografien aus Israel nach dem 7. Oktober 2023

100 Tage Angriff auf Israel

Eine Solidaritätsveranstaltung mit Israel

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Wie in Bremen der Linksextremismus ausgeblendet wird


"Deutschland und Europa in der „Zeitenwende“ – Zukunftsaufgaben der Sicherheitspolitik"

Vortragsreihe in Kooperation mit der Professur für Internationale Politik der TU Chemnitz

NB 2 A 1

Pazifismus neu denken?

Schulveranstaltung mit Nora Bossong über die Bundeswehr


Bundeswehr der Zukunft

Verantwortung und Künstliche Intelligenz

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Media library

Multipod #32

Security partnership with Latin America: What is NATO looking for in Colombia?

Colombia is a NATO partner outside Europe. Why is the defense alliance involved in Latin America?

WELT TV - Interview (German)

From TV

“One year to Hamas Massacre – A Day That Changed Israel Forever”. Interview with KAS Director in Israel, Michael Rimmel, on the situation in Israel in year after the Hamas attack.

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SWR culture forum - Radio interview (German)

From the Radio

"The wound of October 7th is very deep in Israel": The director of our office in Jerusalem, Michael Rimmel, spoke in SWR Kultur forum about the current situation in the country.

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KAS USA Online Event

The Future of NATO and Ukraine

NATO’s leaders gathered in Washington, DC, to celebrate the alliance’s founding 75 years ago. This event discussesd next steps after the summit.

KAS USA Dialog Program

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert: Hopes for NATO and parliamentarianism

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert's assessment of the Alliance's birthday and his impressions of the state of parliamentarianism in Europe and the USA.

KAS USA Dialog Program

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert on 75 Years of NATO and the State of Parliamentarianism

KAS chairman Professor Dr. Norbert Lammert visited Washington for a political dialogue program.

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

Nuclear weapons expert Frank Sauer: Putin's nuclear threats and the concept of nuclear deterrence

What is Russian President Putin calculating with his nuclear weapons threats? How does "nuclear deterrence" work and why is it gaining importance again?

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

Who defends Europe? Dr. Puglierin on European security policy and US priorities

Is the USA scaling back its commitment to Europe's security? In this episode, we talk to political scientist Dr. Puglierin about the US view of Europe.

Erststimme #93: Udo di Fabio

75 Jahre Grundgesetz

Feiern wir unsere Grundrechte und halten unsere Demokratie wehrhaft - dazu im Gespräch sind Prof. Dr. Dr. Udo Di Fabio und Julia Reuschenbach. #75JahreGrundgesetz.

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Erststimme #90: Rainer Meyer zum Felde

75 Jahre NATO

Wir sprechen mit Brigadegeneral a.D. Rainer Meyer zum Felde, über das erfolgreichste Verteidigungsbündnis der Geschichte, das am 4. April sein 75-jähriges Bestehen feiert.

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Related topics and subject areas of our focus “Freedom needs security”

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung deals with various aspects of security-relevant and freedom-threatening developments. Whether current conflict situations, China's role in the world, or internal security, combating extremism and terrorism - on our topic pages you can find comprehensive information on related topics and various sub-areas of the focus topic “Freedom needs security”.

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