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Country reports

Forming a government in Estonia

by Oliver Morwinsky, Sveta Pääru, Emely Keyn

Difficult start for cabinet Kallas III

On April 10, the newly elected parliament (XV Riigikogu) in Estonia convened for the first time. The 13 ministries are divided between Reform Party (7 ministries), Estonia 200 (3 ministries) and the Social Democratic Party (3 ministries). In the process, 7 ministers from the previous government will accompany a ministerial post. Five ministries will be headed by women, eight by men.

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Estonia 200 will have Laur Hussar as Speaker of Parliament, and Toomas Kivimägi (Reform Party) and Jüri Ratas (Center Party) as Vice Chairmen. The resignation of the Reform Party-Isamaa-SDE governing coalition will be followed a few days after the opening of Parliament by the new Reform Party-Estonia 200-SDE governing coalition. For the first time, the 13 ministries were distributed proportionally between the coalition parties, with seven ministries falling to the Reform Party and three each to Estonia 200 and SDE.  The appointments to the ministerial posts were largely to be expected, and there were no surprises. The most difficult topic of the coalition negotiations was planned tax increases. A weak opposition weakens the role of parliament in the long term.

The full-length publication is only available in German.

Die 13 Minister der Reform-Eesti 200-SDE-Koalitionsregierung in Estland. IMAGO / Scanpix
Front row from the left: Minister of IT and Economic Affairs Tiit Riisalo (EE200), Minister of Culture Heidy Purga (RE), PM Kaja Kallas (RE), President of Estonia Alar Karis, Minister of Education and Research Kristiina Kallas (EE200), Minister of Health Riina Sikkut (SDE).

Upper row from the left: Minister of the Interior Lauri Läänemets (SDE), Minister of Justice Kalle Laanet (RE), Minister of Social Protection Sige Riisalo (RE), Minister of Climate Kristen Michal (RE), Minister of Finance Mart Võrklaev (RE), Minister of Defense Hanno Pevkur (RE), Minister of Foreign Affairs Margus Tsahkna (EE200), Minister of Regional and Rural Affairs Madis Kallas (SDE).

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Oliver Morwinsky

Oliver Morwinsky bild

Head of the Baltic States Offices +371 673 312 64
Country reports
March 7, 2023
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