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Country reports

Israel's Judicial Reform

by Johannes Sosada

Despite massive opposition, the Knesset passes a core element of the controversial judicial reform

On July 24, the right-wing coalition government, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, voted to abolish the so-called “reasonableness clause”. Until now, the clause allowed the court to declare government decisions, or even the appointment of ministers, as "unreasonable" and thus prevent them. The opposition boycotted the vote and left the plenary amid loud protest - symbolically the vote went 64:0. Now, the passed law, which is a core element of the controversial judicial reform, restricts the Israeli Supreme Court's ability to act.

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The full-length country report is only available in German. 

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Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy

Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy bild

Director KAS European Office +32 2 66931-51 +32 2 66931-62

Johannes Sosada


Christina Baade

Portrait, aktuell 2019

Desk Officer in the Department Middle East and North Africa +49 30 26996-3611 +49 30 26996-3558


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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.