The “State of Europe” is a regular annual statement on the idea and current state of Europe
by its most senior representatives. It is given at a place closely tied up with Europe’s destiny –
in Berlin, where the fall of the Wall on 9 November 1989 paved the way for a great,
no longer divided Europe.
7.00 p.m. Opening musical performance
7.05 p.m. Welcoming Address
- Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering | President of the European Parliament ret., Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
- Maria Tandeck | law school graduate, Young European of the year 2010 of the Schwarzkopf-Stiftung
7.30 p.m. The State of Europe
- Jean-Claude Juncker | President of the European Commission
- Noémi Kiss | writer, ”A Soul for Europe” initiative
Participation only with personally invitation.