More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 200 vaccine candidates are being developed all over the world at an unprecedented speed. Enormous efforts were and are made to build up resilience and immunization. While vaccination campaigns are rolled out across the globe and access to a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine comes into sight, more work, funding and collaboration is still needed to overcome the tremendous health and economic consequences of this pandemic. In this crisis, international cooperation needs to succeed – also to set itself up for further challenges to come.
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. together with the International Vaccine Institute and the Korean Embassy in Germany thus aim on advancing international cooperation in the pandemic by bringing together health and public policy experts from Germany and South Korea for the second time. While the first digital expert dialogue centered around containment measures against COVID-19, the second edition aims on discussing the following guiding questions:
- What is the role of governments to assure the global equitable access of COVID-19 vaccines?
- How does public governance steer the process of vaccination procurement and supply in Germany and South Korea?
- To what extent is the COVID-19 vaccination perceived as a duty or social contract in both countries?
- Which measures are and should be taken to encourage a large-scale vaccination of the population?
- How can international cooperation, in particular between Germany and South Korea, advance to ensure a global availability and distribution of the vaccine?
Moderation: Martina KAISER | KAS Global Health
before 09.30 a.m.
Technical Check and Log-In
Welcome and Introduction
9.30 a.m. – 09.40 a.m.
Congratulatory Remarks
H.E Ambassador Dr. CHO Hyun Ock | Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Berlin, Germany
Welcome Remarks
George BICKERSTAFF | Chairperson IVI Board of Trustees
Keynote Speeches: Government Role to assure the Global Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines
9.40 a.m. – 09.50 a.m.
Global Supply of COVID-19 Vaccine and Equitable Global Distribution
Jerome KIM, M.D. | Director General, International Vaccine Institute Seoul, Korea
09.50 a.m. – 10.00 a.m.
International Cooperation and the Geopolitics of Vaccine Equity
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Ilona KICKBUSCH | Director of the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Panel Discussion with Q&A: Challenges and Best Practices in Search of Effective Vaccination Strategies
10.00 a.m. – 10.55 a.m.
JANG Hee-Chang, M.D. | Korean Ministry of Health
Stella DANEK | German Ministry of Health
Andrea HASELBECK, DVM, DMSc | International Vaccine Institute IVI
Wrap-Up and Closing Remarks
10.55 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
Closing Remarks
Thomas Yoshimura | Director KAS Country Program Seoul