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German-Japanese Security Dialogue

New Powers - New Challenges - New Responsibilities

Panel discussion with German and Japanese security experts

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The Abe government has recently recalibrated Japan’s security policy in some important aspects: the government now defines Japan as a "proactive contributor to peace"; it has inaugurated a National Security Council upon US-model and endorsed a new National Security Strategy. It also decided upon new defence guidelines. This overhauled direction of the Japanese security policy is embedded in a globalized environment and a challenging political environment in the Asia-Pacific region.

In Germany also, a new security approach has surfaced recently, notably during the Munich Security conference, to commit itself in foreign and security policy earlier and in a more decisive manner. The debate how to transform this commitment into politics however is still an open process.

6:00 pm:

Welcome remarks

  • Dr. Gerhard Wahlers (enquired)


    Deputy Secretary General and Head of Department European and International Cooperation

  • Takeshi Nakane

    Embassy of Japan to Germany


  • Dr. Friederike Bosse

    German-Japanese Center Berlin

    Secretary General

6:15 pm:

Panel Discussion

  • Kunihiko Miyake

    Canon Institute for Global Studies

    Research Fellow

  • Michito Tsuruoka

    The National Institute for Defense Studies

    Research Fellow

  • Mark Hauptmann

    German Parliament

    Member, Member of the Committee on Economy and Energy, Deputy Member Committee on Foreign Affairs

  • Prof. Dr. Volker Perthes

    German Institute for International and Security Affairs - SWP



Matthias Naß

Die Zeit

International Correspondent

Ca. 7:30 pm:


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Academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
Tiergartenstr. 35,
10785 Berlin



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Rabea Förstmann

Rabea Förstmann bild
Flag of Japan.|picture: blanco teko/Flickr blanco teko/Flickr

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Japanisch-Deutsches-Zentrum Berlin (JDZB)
Botschaft von Japan
Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)