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II. European-South American Regional Security Symposium

Dynamically changing global security panorama - which consequences for the European Union and South America? And which role for regional security regimes regarding the bordering seas?

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With the objective to promote the dialogue between the Defense Council of the Union of South American Nations (USAN) and the Common Security and Defense Policy of the European Union (EU), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organizes in cooperation with the delegation of European Union to Brazil, the Belgium Embassy of Brasília, the think tank of the Brazilian Ministry of Defense, Instituto Pandiá Calógeras, and the foundation of the Brazilian foreign ministry, Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, the second European-South American symposium about regional security architecture. The event will take place in Brasília on the 27th of April 2016.

The symposium enables the exchange of experiences between the European and the South American security regimes, focusing on the dynamically changing global security panorama and its consequences for the two regions. Furthermore, the role of regional security regimes regarding the bordering seas (South Atlantic and Mediterranean) and the information exchange between member states with a view to terrorism and international organized crime will be discussed.

The event is held exclusively for invited policymakers, academia and military.

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Beyond the Nation State - Which Role plays Regional Security Cooperation in the Face of Increasing Threats?: II. European-South American Regional Security Symposium
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Gregory Ryan

II European-South American Regional Security Symposium KAS

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